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Gameday Training
Gameday Training
As the dark shadows extend towards dusk, the master and his dog watch in delight as the ever obedient woman finally figures it out. (I expanded nothing up or down, left or right and may have used outside sources)

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style07 style07
nancers nancers
ScottyMiami ScottyMiami
16ozBud 16ozBud
mikey mikey
Good job on the water effects!! it's like a giant fish tank" cool...>
Da_Dude Da_Dude
hAh! looks great
jerry717 jerry717
she should be going for it with her teeth. ;) (love the description btw)
goldenslumbers goldenslumbers
nice..but shouldnt her hair be wet too?
Caldera Caldera
sage sage
ha! great job!
itzsibi itzsibi
marcoballistic marcoballistic
very nice Show, nice water effects, funny too, good one
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
Very nice.
malcinbl malcinbl
i like this one a lot
st1n3r st1n3r
if i were her, when i got out the water i would kick the dog.
Goat1981 Goat1981
This is quite well done. Should be higher! Nice work.
very cool effect work!
billtvshow billtvshow
That's an excellent job of not expanding it ;) nice
wcgems wcgems
velocity velocity
Queen La Tiff Queen La Tiff
It looks like the dog is thinking, "Why doesn't she take it with her mouth? Then both arms would be free for swimming...she's never bringing home that trophy."
Photoboiler Photoboiler
Cambria Cambria
being a woman.. I think Showcase deserves the kick (but then he might just like it)
Serps Serps
ayok ayok
good one
madraven madraven
gt3 gt3
leif leif
1337hax0r 1337hax0r
hi leif
MindGraph MindGraph
excellent blending all of it together. Really good!
rashdog rashdog
best of show, imo...great!
Patre Patre
I like the idea and the way the water plays off of the swimmer's hands. I also like the top vs. underwater contrast and the theme and setting.
taz0mania taz0mania
claudiolky claudiolky
Alex Alex
Great post Show...
pegnolia pegnolia
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
show, I loathe you but I like the image. Okay so I don't loathe you. but I do like the splash work. clone makes some good points but I still appreciate the effort and composition.
Eve Eve
This is better than any damn soap opera or reality show...and Queen, nobody loves me either (sniff!)
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
delucx delucx
nice :)
Lrossa Lrossa
ReinMan ReinMan
wow - quite the kerfuffle. :/
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Encouragment Vote. ;)
L@rue L@rue
anfa anfa
Smart! :)
hellraiser hellraiser
Wett Wett
those author's notes reallly help us to understand your work ;)
<senzotaku> <senzotaku>
This is my vote over here :)
Eepi Eepi
ScionShade ScionShade
Best chop in this contest. Nice work.
Meeshoo Klan Meeshoo Klan
again U Show? :)) People drop the Hero vote this Zero (Showcase):))))) this is a great post? bhahahahaha!
TeroT TeroT
AlmostPerfect AlmostPerfect
Claf Claf
cafn8d cafn8d


Showcase Showcase
goldenslumber, I guess it would depend on whether she went under the water or not...but it is me :)
TheShaman TheShaman
this is really good, but some dumbass already used all his votes (me)
Showcase Showcase
yeah, thanks for NUFFIN shaman! (cept for the kind comment. :) I'll expect you to use some voting restraint in tomorrows contest :D)
TheShaman TheShaman
sir yes sir
TheShaman TheShaman
but you know, ever since you said something about that... my votes just tanked... thanks for nuffin too ;)
TheShaman TheShaman
i guess i will just keep my mouth shut from now on when im out of votes
clonestamp trooper clonestamp trooper
Wow...I am surprised this has so many votes. It is not horrible, but it is not as good as everyone is saying. I think a lot of these votes are an attempt at getting on Showcases good he won't make overly critical comments on your entries.
clonestamp trooper clonestamp trooper
That is a shame considering some of the other great entries in this contest...
TheShaman TheShaman
apparently im sending out mixed signals.... my thanks for nuffin was a joke and a play on his thanks ....please lets not forget, if you dont want to vote for me, thats fine.... but id love to hear comments from all of you people.. good or bad. cheers
marcoballistic marcoballistic
I think this is a good chop, different, funny and original, uses the source elements well, while I am constantly getting top tips from Show lol and people say he doesnt post enough, I think this is one of the more interesting compositions in todays comp
Showcase Showcase
first, relax TheShaman. Im just stirring the pot, if you will.
Showcase Showcase
now Clonestamp, nobody cares about getting on my good side...whether I make critical comments or not. I've made what, a dozen "critical" comments in the past week or so and a few, dare I say have even made a difference.
Showcase Showcase
you, Clonestamp, are treading on thin ground suggesting that these good people do not have a mind of their own and are scared of getting a mean'ol comment from me. Thats sounds ridiculous dont you think?
Showcase Showcase
psst, marco, thanks you. no more bad comments for you this week ! HA! I kid...I KEEED!! I offer no mercy :D
TheShaman TheShaman
quit stiring it! and start smoking it... ive never been this upset here before! thanks for that ;)
Showcase Showcase
so clonestamp, what is it you dont like about this image? What is it that sets it back from some of the other good chops today? I'd like to know, believe it or not.
Showcase Showcase
any time TheShaman. its good to get the blood bubblin sometimes eh? I didnt mean to upset you...but internet lessons are sometimes the harshest. ;)
Da_Dude Da_Dude
well Showcase.. I was trying to get on your goodside cuz you called me weird.. uhuh! And now gimme that cleaveland steamer... buddy!
Showcase Showcase thanks ya weirdo! you are banned from commenting on any more images of mine. BANDED!!
Da_Dude Da_Dude
hehe! oops
nancers nancers
OK, it's no secret around these parts that Showcase and I have had at it a few times. That said, I would like to comment that anyone who looks at this image, can see the amount of work and attention to detail that was put into it.
nancers nancers
It is not a simple "paste the people into another scene" image, nor is it a "paste something into the picture" image. Nor is it of questionable moral material. :P So even though at times I do not like showcase, I do like this picture. My 2 cents.
Showcase Showcase
and we will go at it again, and again, and again...until you beg for a breather...or something. ;) (thanks)
Alex Alex
Ok ok... Since everybody wants to know what the GREAT Alex thinks about this one, here it goes. That's crap. No wait, that's mega crap. j/k you sons of... This pic is one of the best out there. No matter what mister clonestamp thinks, this is good
Showcase Showcase
thank you Alex. I will await your vote now :P
Alex Alex
I honestly don't undertand the frenzy everyone is talking about regarding this contest. Folks, look back. There's some great posts in this one, but nothing compare to the last days or weeks. Anyway, i don't care about Showcase and still like t
Alex Alex
You'll have to give 1$ to BrotherDoug to have my vote... ;) hahaha
Showcase Showcase
ahem...I meant "Thank you GREAT Alex." sorry. :)
Alex Alex
ok... Since you said I was GREAT... But dont get me wrong, I really think I am.
Showcase Showcase
HA! thanks man....and is it me or does Nancers sound a bit scared? :P
Alex Alex
Yeah I think she is... But the most important thing: nancers is the sexiest mod around. (Since you left) BTW, it's great to see you both post again here and there.
clonestamp trooper clonestamp trooper
I don’t think it is ridiculous at all. You have a lot of great entries in your portfolio, you have a lot of talent, but do you honestly feel that this entry deserves the amount of votes it is getting?
clonestamp trooper clonestamp trooper
Have you looked at some of the other entries in this contest? the 15 to 9 vote getters? Some are just as good, some are better. How else do you explain the amount of votes you are getting compared to them? Votes from friends? you tell me...
clonestamp trooper clonestamp trooper
As for the thin ground I am treading...I couldn’t care less. I think a lot of people will agree that this is not worthy of as many votes as it is getting...and if they don’t, that is fine.
clonestamp trooper clonestamp trooper
Why is it that if I make a comment about an entry getting too many votes I am treading on thin ground. If you make the same comment you are voicing your own opinion?
clonestamp trooper clonestamp trooper
I never said the entry was bad or didn’t take time, I said it wasn’t worthy of this many votes. It is not one of the best
Showcase Showcase
yup. I do. why dont you tell me why it doesnt? I think you're just upset about the mean ol comments I've made on some images in the past? if you see something thats a flaw or lacking, by all means, point it out?
Showcase Showcase
see, the difference is you're just doing it for spite...I cant help you when you're so full of spite.
clonestamp trooper clonestamp trooper
Full of spite? Are you serious? Here is what I have a problem with in this entry...since you asked. The dog: his shadow doen’t look right, he is too bright or his color is off and he looks like he is just pasted on.
clonestamp trooper clonestamp trooper
The Water: there is no ripple on the surface, there is no depth. it should be darker under the surface, The shadows of the fish and of the swimmer don’t seem right.
clonestamp trooper clonestamp trooper
lastly, I don’t know why you would put that clip art at the bottom and the pixilated font. What I think is done well is the effect of the water dripping off her arm and the bubbles from her arm underwater.
Showcase Showcase
the difference with you commenting about too many votes and me commenting about it is that I, at least, try to provide for my statements...I dont do it out of spite...or anger at another member. I dont make it personal. you have.
Showcase Showcase
the dog: Ive always said I struggle with shadows. it was the best I could do. I'll continue working on it tho. As far as too bright? I don't know. its laying in direct sunlight. I pictured it being shiny like the hair on the orignal girl.
Showcase Showcase
the water: There are some ripples and its a calm day. I liked it better without all the distortion to the tree reflection.
clonestamp trooper clonestamp trooper
how have I made it personal? The comment about getting on you goodside? I think you are trying to make it look as if I have attacked you in some way. I have no grudge against you, you have never commented on my entries.
Showcase Showcase
her shadow and those of the fish: I left out any shadows for the fish since I thought the light source was at such an angle they would be too far right to be in the picture...the rest I already said I sometimes struggle with shadows but I keep tryg
Showcase Showcase
Clip art: I thought it added nicely to my frame. call it artistic flare if you like.
Showcase Showcase
well, look, if its not out of spite or something personal, then you must be trying to be like me...which I admire...but you're off to a bad start my friend.
clonestamp trooper clonestamp trooper
provide for my statement? I said it is getting too many votes and I provided that I thought it was to get on your good side. Do you think I need to elaborate?
Showcase Showcase
yes. I'm a nobody here...washed up...jealous of all the votes other people get...ask anyone. why would people want to be on my good side?
Showcase Showcase
anyway, you're off my christmas list now Mr. Clonespiteful Trooper! Thats right. no bulk card with a cheery handwritten message inside for YOU!
Queen La Tiff Queen La Tiff
What ever happened to beauty being in the eye of the beholder and that being okay? Dang. Ain't no one votin' for my shit today...I'm chalkin' it up to either a bad crappy source image, or you all hate me.
Queen La Tiff Queen La Tiff
Admit it--you all hate me! >:[
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
i made poopy!
Goat1981 Goat1981
*lol* @ Feral!! OHH, THE DRAMA!
Da_Dude Da_Dude
hi i'm looking for dr phil
nubie nubie
I think show and clone should let each other inspire their coffe machine post
ReinMan ReinMan
I (strangely) have nothing to say. :/
yello_piggy yello_piggy
me too. just watching and enjoying!
<senzotaku> <senzotaku>
ScionShade ScionShade
Best chop in this contest. Nice work.
Da_Dude Da_Dude
Scion, lick my balls please I need a fesh enema! (yeah that dude's always missing the hotspot)
Da_Dude Da_Dude
marcoballistic marcoballistic
can I get another hotdog and large soda over here, this is entertainment right here :oD
nancers nancers
I am not a bit scaared, either. Satan's breath is on my lips, I'm repenting, not scared.
mikey mikey
What would people do if there were no comment section?..this is funny!
Claf Claf
Hey hey! 66 comments.. why not 67? :)
cafn8d cafn8d
1337hax0r 1337hax0r
i'm 69
kopeski kopeski
I am so proud of you for posting this image! well done!

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 Gameday Training
by Showcase
Created November 01, 2005
55 votes   70 comments
550w x 564h (106KB)

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