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Double Crossed Meeting.
Double Crossed Meeting.
Trust no one... PS work car, 3 external sources...

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kooi kooi
that's good marco – I like this look! *lol* but the reflection is wrong :)
DLowrie DLowrie
Heinlein Heinlein
mikey mikey
Outstanding! ~ great idea and change of color" ~
Vlad Vlad
More evil but no visible blood. Reflections wrong but I like the scene overall.
armogeden armogeden
nice work again but try to fix the reflection
Patre Patre
Transparency is very good.
cowboy399 cowboy399
seamusoisin seamusoisin
I like the idea
blue_lurker blue_lurker
I agree the transparency is well done, very sharp and crisp. Deserves a vote on that alone, imho.
Spritle Spritle
The calm before the storm.
Persuader Persuader
very very nice work - i like the "waiting for death"-atmosphere - really nice chop buddy =)
Kasorazbiva4a Kasorazbiva4a
very good man
claudiolky claudiolky
simply perfect
TheShaman TheShaman
Id have to agree, the reflect is wrong, but the overall fell is awesome
Kansas Kansas
Thanks for no blood... Is that a Christmas present! The work is Brilliant!
CarlC CarlC
Rest assured that your "fail" is better than most "good" entries
Eve Eve
Looks great, Marco! So menacing and realistic, it's mesmerizing.
ScottyMiami ScottyMiami
thats very cool, marco. The best idea!
mason4300 mason4300
I'm not going to mention any mistakes, seeing as everyone already has! ;) I still think it's really cuel, we both had the Water on Window idea going! We both even have a "calm before the storm" theme!
kentq kentq
reflection right or wrong...this rocks!!!!
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
hungry hungry
Good stuff
Zingaro Zingaro
comes out good.
MoLinKo MoLinKo
The face in the glass is perfect
anfa anfa
No blood splattered all over the place vote! :)
Josh62088 Josh62088
Didn't like it at first, but I keep comming back, and it's starting to grow on me.
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
very cool...great atmosphere. integrating the source like that must've been a real pain.
couldb5150 couldb5150
loving the transperncey and reflective work here Marco~B very cool mate !!!
KayKay KayKay
I like it!
ayok ayok
Serps Serps
Caldera Caldera
16ozBud 16ozBud
cool :)
tsitra tsitra
hope you r feeling better:) like the change of color.
Meeshoo Klan Meeshoo Klan
tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
man flu vote :)
olive olive
tallwalker tallwalker
Wett Wett
sathelbert sathelbert
Goat1981 Goat1981
Great image, Marco! The mood is excellent. I like this quite a bit.
Claf Claf
Cool! :)
Netwel Netwel
jazgraphic jazgraphic
Transparency is very well done, good chop!


Pedder Pedder
There is a big fail with this picture, look at the gun and at the reflect gun in the Window!
tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
fix the gun and i'll give ya me vote :)
16ozBud 16ozBud
Also that window is very short, the door is only twice as long as the pistol LOL!
ScionShade ScionShade
BUd, You never noticed he makes images 550 wide by same, then stretches it up?
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
scion's a hater.
kentq kentq
Maybe it's an older car...the 1911 has been around since..oh..1911!
MoLinKo MoLinKo
It could be a U-Haul, they have really tall windows
marcoballistic marcoballistic
I was going fo a kinda 4x4 type ride, they have quite high windows
marcoballistic marcoballistic
and yeah I know the reflection is wrong, I should have left the gun out and just left the reflection of it, but I couldn't find a similar gun to make this right, and then by leaving it in, made a critical mistake, ah well
marcoballistic marcoballistic
there you go sorted the double vision of the gun out, now I'm back off to bed to die, mahaged to contract a pre xmas type flu bug...woo hoo, sorry that there are no comments from me today, might spew on keyboard ha ha, catch ya'll laters.
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
hmm. some call it a "pre xmas type flu bug," others just call it "herpes."
anfa anfa
kentq kentq
Marco...good luck with your flu...been at home for three days with my daughter who has a nasty flu...thanks, Marco, for the inspiration.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lol feral, cheers bud ;o)
mikey mikey
Get well soon brother! ~
marcoballistic marcoballistic
cheers mikey

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 Double Crossed Meeting.
by marcoballistic
Created December 22, 2005
45 votes   16 comments
550w x 600h (122KB)

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