All Source. (I edited the clouds in front so they look more like clouds and less like a lake. :-) |
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Looked at this again.. Just love it..Reminds me of that Davy and Goliath type stuff... Fantastic....Job here!
RE: Grizwald. What reflections? All the surfaces are dull.
RE @ GriZwaLd: Those are supposed to be clouds surrounding different parts of a high mountain; not water / a reflective surface. The "reflection" you see is part of the mountain the sheep is standing on. I can see why that could be confusing.
As you can see in the original source, the top, edge, and underside of the mountain are the top, edge, and underside of the left side of the source. I did not intend a reflection, as the reflection would have the sheep's reflection in it also.
I hope this clears things up. :-) Any more comments / suggestions are appreciated!
To simplify, that's not a frozen lake; it's clouds.
I don't know what's costing this entry so many votes. Please leave comments if you don't want to vote; so I can learn and avoid problems next time.
i'm a little perplexed, too about the low votes here...i wouldn't be too concerned, tho...seems like the voting has gone down during the holidays. I know I've found little time lately to get on and vote. It's a great chop, nonetheless.
Thanks, buddy. :) I have noticed the strange voting over the holidays. I actually thought that it would be the opposite (high voting since people are around and out of work), but I was wrong. :-p Thanks for the kind words.
Winter Mountain Scene
by Goat1981
Created January 02, 2006
51 votes
550w x 600h (124KB)
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