Look Ma, We're fools... Plane, background, car work all source, 4 externals. |
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can't stop watching at this
lol looks like only you can't Micose ha ha haaaa
got messages to ask how exactly the plane is all source, weel here is how: The engine turbine is the front wheel arch, with the wheel behind it, and tyre on the edge for the outside circle of the engines. The chrome central wheel cap is in the center
the back parts of the engine housing is made of a enlarged version of the door, recoloured and desaturated, and then a very low scale selected texture for the rust on the side of the door too. The wing is made up of several parts.
the main part being the roof, then with the air intake running down the side or the viewable wing. the front headlamp make up the nodules on the upper of the wing and thats about it. Oh and why arn't the guys being sucked out of the car???
well they are just about to be, but hey, for once I avoided gore lol... ok that covers all asked question i think :oD
wow ... A+ again for you marco... and 1 post for me and I can vote :)
As I have said to a few people, I relaise it is cramped like you say Feral, but if this happened for real, would something similar to this happen, or just a little pop and a small fleck of fire be seen......I personally doubt it :oD
Feral Hamster
the crampedness refers to the overall layout, not the sparks. just my opinion.
Don't Try This At Home.
by marcoballistic
Created February 11, 2006
41 votes
550w x 600h (110KB)
Voting Qualities
authenticity |
1 |
execution |
12 |
humor |
1 |
idea |
4 |
theme |
1 |
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