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Jammed the !#$*# Machine
Jammed the !#$*# Machine

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TheShaman TheShaman
nice statement kansas!
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
I always wondered what "W" did for fun...
nav nav
karell karell
:>) yep, nice idea
kentq kentq
mikey mikey
Good one! ~
hacky hacky
bsoholic bsoholic
haha! cool!
Cambria Cambria
ReyRey ReyRey
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
RiccardoS RiccardoS
askerai askerai
....that nice!!!
talex talex
very nice kansas
Eve Eve
Heh...good thing he doesn't hunt with Cheney.
NewNeo NewNeo
like the visual metaphore
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
what the heck did you jam in there?
seamusoisin seamusoisin
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
anabrin anabrin
Persuader Persuader
unique idea - funny entry =)
Heinlein Heinlein
bigbuck bigbuck
claudiolky claudiolky
Smart idea... we do not have that machine with money here in Brazil. Probably with Petroleum....(lo)
Serps Serps
CarlC CarlC
Great Idea!
yomar yomar
blue_lurker blue_lurker
boorboolini boorboolini
:) nice idea!
Micose Micose
unique idea
olive olive
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
Political vote.
nancers nancers
Claf Claf
Great idea! :)
Wett Wett
anfa anfa
Very clever! :)
wendysmurfie wendysmurfie
Great one, i love those machines!
Michel Michel
*out of order*
deshone deshone


Kansas Kansas
PVS..It's an toy army man... hmmm looks crystal clear on mine..interesting. I'll double check it though. Thanks

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 Jammed the !#$*# Machine
by Kansas
Created February 11, 2006
39 votes   1 comments
463w x 540h (116KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  1
humor  4
idea  6
theme  2

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