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Photoshop Contest Head to Head Tournament 2011
Rangizzz vs abraham
winner! votes round compare to
Rangizzz 65 Round #8 original
Winning Image

Voting Details
tdiddy tdiddy
ShootHerman ShootHerman
Wow! Two very good pictures. Nicely executed both. My vote goes to this one. Best idea. It puts an end to the H2H contest.
Lot of work to turn that plane upside down... i almost didn't notice, you did it so well. Great job to both of you and congrats for making it to the end! it was a great comp! other one is great but just doesn't appeal to me as much as this
Azionite Azionite
Grefix Grefix
m0nk m0nk
nevet nevet
both entries are excellent, i like the motion in this one and also the character design although the other one is probably a better use of the source. good luck.
abraham abraham
Excellent entry! Nice theme and I can see the 2 flags, lol, nice touch. Good luck and if you win you really deserve it ;)
Both are great, but like the idea here a bit more.
charliesou charliesou
Toss of a coin vote...can't seperate em'.
Trann Trann
Congratulations to both for making the finals!
Patre Patre
vokaris vokaris
Congratulations to both of you! Two great entries. This one looks slightly more appealing to me.
nat_g31 nat_g31
Very cool that 2 dudes I consider friends here at PSC are competing for the highest honor. Abraham is a super nice dude and has always created top notch chops ever since I joined the site. Rangizz is also a great guy and even though he hasnt been here for too long his chops have been solid consistently from day one. I think both of you are worth of winning the contest as you can see in these two well exectuted chops. For me the clear winner is this entry. So fun and well put together, has a great story and is clean as hell. If I had to critique I would say the highlights and shadows are weak, especially on the plane. As for the other entry, it is well done and has the cuteness factor but to me the idea is inferior to this entry, it's almost like the other chopper ran out of ideas one stage short of the glory. Anyway congrats to both of you for making it to the end of this grueling challenge!
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
Love the airplane rebuild here, though the prop blurs could be better. Really fine work in both. Almost a coin toss, really.
Tad Tad
anfa anfa
ReyRey ReyRey
Wow!! I don't want to pick one. Can't we just have a tie? Congrats to both.
TheShaman TheShaman
WOW! well done both of you!
buglover buglover
Both worthy. Glad I have to vote and not to judge! I go for this one cause of the "+" for the perspective change of the plain! Gratz!
gramps gramps
tough choice, both entries are excellent !!
jasper jasper
after much consternation, I am going with this one. the details are so well done. the airplane was creatively and professionally flipped and shown from the bottom. look at the fine details, such as the rear wheel. This could be a movie poster. motion blur is just right. character is engaging. goggles with reflection is perfect. I could go on and on! CONGRATS to BOTH OF YOU!
deshone deshone
love the look and feel !! congrats to both of you !!
Sliver Sliver
Go Rangizzz.. congrats!
Tommeken Tommeken
screwloose screwloose
I like cereal
Krank Krank
bigbuck bigbuck
ScionShade ScionShade
Fantastic. To be honest..I think they're both equally fantastic. I actually made my decision on which one looked like the biggest pain the &^% to do. Nicely done.
billtvshow billtvshow
What a fantastic final! Both chops are overall just gorgeously executed with nice crisp edges and eye popping substance. A few minor technical things in the other (background blending and the plane perspective, specifically the rear wheel) made me sway this way, but overall both are brilliant, worthy entries. Congrats to both of you on your epic runs through the biggest H2H field ever.
Ammorio Ammorio
both are great but i like this one much . good luck to you both . (great and fantastic ) will done.
Totoy Totoy
bud1121 bud1121
Excellent work love the eyes choice was really hard both great entries
aman aman
mayday-maydayyy!!!!! haha , great chop frm both of you.... itZ a nice H2H Journey , I proud to be a part of it :) , but there was only 1 parachute to survive ... :P
the other one is lovely, but I like this one.
ReinMan ReinMan
Tough Call. Seems like more source used in this chop. Both very good (& fun) work. Cheers to you both!
txpinky txpinky
Very though choice
serious serious
Govan Govan
blue_lurker blue_lurker
ya both bloody brilliant but I just love the look of the plain in this one
DaVinci DaVinci
Pfff after staring for minutes at both chops, I decided to go with this one...but both winners IMO! Congrats!
Swarhzonov Swarhzonov
We have a Winner!!! Congradulation! ;-)
gsenthil gsenthil
both entry great
Hagen Hagen
I might be mistaken but I'd say this is Rangizzz's work...? Right...? Anyway...! This is for me the winning entry...! Excellent work on inverting the plane...! Love the mouse expression...! Everything looks great...! The other entry is great too although less sophisticated in terms of execution...! No offense there of course...! You two guys have produced some outstanding chops...! Thanks a lot for that and congrats to both of you...! +1
dewking dewking
Tough call but this one edges it out just a tiny bit.
Gort Gort
Super job from both! The other has a bit of a perspective issue. This one is just awesome all the way around.
ElectronChaser ElectronChaser
Very difficult. Both are technically impressive, visually stunning, and just all around great entries.
captainSMITTY11 captainSMITTY11
supak0ma supak0ma
fantastic...congrats Champ! (my guess is Rangizz)
dsclink dsclink
Tea Man Tea Man
TheBullShark TheBullShark
Best use of original, nice theme too!
drybie drybie
Well done to you both. This image has a little more "pop".
bsoholic bsoholic
cafn8d cafn8d
I sure hate to pick just one of these two excellent chops! Kudos to both of you; I love your works, present and previous. Both entries here are solid chops and well executed. I love the cuteness and humor factors in each, and this one did make me laugh. I don't know if the outline of the animals against the forest backdrop is a little *too* crisp? The feeling of the pic, the composition, something I can't put my finger on does make me drawn more to this one after having stared at both quite a bit. If I could vote for both of you, I would. Well done!
bogsy bogsy
rockyjob rockyjob
Both are great contestants. Cuteness factor in the other one is overused I guess, too cheesy for me. The plane inversion in this one is great and so is the coloring job. Congrats to both Rangizz and Abe, you deserve it.
the burning couch the burning couch
This was a very difficult choice....both are very well executed but this one ...well, it's just got that real punchy...classic chop...great idea...feel to it*!*
glennhanna glennhanna
Two gorgeous finales. Both championship caliber. Total rework on both planes. I absolutely love the other entry, and love the dull highlight on the nose of the plane. I would have voted for it if I had voted on day 1. But after careful study, there is a shadow issue that kinda bugs me beneath the other's wing next to the mushrooms. Plus I love the perspective change of this entry too much, the panels, the reflections of sky, and the H2H theme of this. Both are winners in my book. Congratulations to you both. You survived the marathon in elite fashion.
Claf Claf
Great final! Hard choice... I'll go for this one. Nice transformation with the new perspective, cool idea! Also nice transformation on the other one, details mostly well integrated. Congrats to both of you! :-)
GuidedByPandas GuidedByPandas
Tough choice, excellent entries, strong talent. My vote goes here only because the source is better utilized and manipulated, although I truly enjoy both images. The attention to detail and perspectives seem a little stronger here. Thanks both for the inspiration and entertainment.
Takser3 Takser3
Netwel Netwel
Both awesome! Well done!
Dechene Dechene
both excellent entries, congratulations, I'm voting for this one, but only just, good luck!!!
Sjitske Sjitske
Both great entries! Go with this one ;)

author votes round compare to
abraham 30 Round #8 original

Voting Details
Rangizzz Rangizzz
Oh, this is nice! Lovely scene. Good luck!!
rose-wood71 rose-wood71
Cartoon Contractor Cartoon Contractor
Both well done! I love the mouse in the other BUT the perspective from the underside of the plane is off imo. Much better use of the source BUT the perspective moved me to this one which is beautifully done. Not as much apparent use of the source but enough imo to take the win! The flag, the propeller hat, the stripes, the blue and red decals on the wings, the tail section! This is a very appealing visual! A wonderful image! Nicely done both of you! And congrats on whichever wins! You both competed courageously and spectacularly.
seelcraft seelcraft
Really tough choice! Both dramatically change the plane. Both use the cute factor. This one has better details. (Nerd note: a mouse falling from a plane will land without being hurt, due to the scaling factor.)
Ivan Roujev Ivan Roujev
jcfreak6363 jcfreak6363
Both are excellent but this one is much more "attention grabbing" IMO.
YerPalAl YerPalAl
The other entry has better use of the original, but my heart is won by this one. Kudos to both authors for wonderful entries, tough, tough choice here but the depth of the forest, the surface detail, the animals and overall effort in this one wins out for me.
Tesore Tesore
Both great! Love the rat race, but I can't resist a pig with a hair bow. Congrats both of you!!!
mikey mikey
Both fantastic entries! ~ I love the cute factor in this one. great work! :)
annajon annajon
So cool, both entries. I flipped a coin.
anabe anabe
Eve Eve
Both are winners. I wish the other had omitted the "H2H" but other than that it is flawless and very funny. Tough decision but I'll go witht the re-drawn/funny scene. Congrats to both of you! :)
Watch them Drift Watch them Drift
GhostlyJoe GhostlyJoe
tadams tadams
These are two wonderful images, full of fun and creative thought. The H2H Race appeals to me the most on creativity and story, but doesn't use color and lighting as effectively as does the wagon wheel plane. Damn, where's the "It's a tie" button.
nancers nancers
In my world, the kitty wouldn't be driving, the mouse would. And the mouse would have her in the trunk!
Synthvet Synthvet
Martrex Martrex
Both are great, but I do think that this took more imagination. Planes are in the sky, but a plane converted to a cart in the woods, let alone the animal, humor. The other piece is nicely done and some humor, it wasn't an easy decision.
Dream_weaver Dream_weaver
sonic3 sonic3
Real tuff choice, I just like this better. Congrats to both for getting to the final :)
koorio koorio
Great work on the plane in the other entry.. Nice work on the wheels here and great integration. Congrats to both of you. :)
Prince Laurent Prince Laurent
that's choppin' !
NButler NButler
mixauskas mixauskas
F***ing tough choice, i choose this coz its more detailed and work.
Eepi Eepi
Granulated Granulated
animal brightness (particularly the cat is a bit dodgy but overall excellent. Congratulations. Well done to the other competitor for reaching the final.
nifft nifft
bogonet bogonet
sweetfelinity sweetfelinity
Nice work!

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