Haven't Posted in a couple of weeks, Just got back from a trip to Bermuda... =P |
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Thanks for you votes and more importanly your comments my fellow artistic friends!!!
Smooth Jimmy
Peaceful. I have two Koi. I think they are brother and sister. They have grown to be about 18 inches long in a year and a half. One day, recently, I discovered over 30 Koi fry swimming around the pond. How, did this happen, Designed2522?
Mr Smooth... I dont know if your parents ever told you about the birds & the bees but ... you might wanna think about it, this is not the time or the place... =)
Smooth Jimmy
Haha! No, I learned about the birds and the bees from a friend when I was 7 years old, but I never imagined that fish, who I thought were brother and sister, would do such a thing. What scandalous behavior!
Smooth Jimmy
Oh! By the way, I was stationed with a guy from WORCESTER, MA. I may not know much, but I do no how to say Wooster.
Koi Pond
by Designed2522
Created August 29, 2006
43 votes
1100w x 825h (393KB)
Voting Qualities
authenticity |
0 |
execution |
9 |
humor |
0 |
idea |
1 |
theme |
2 |
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