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Defending The Homestead
Defending The Homestead

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digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
YES! So that's 2 Attention To Detail Votes in 2 days. Love the subtleties.
Heinlein Heinlein
Excellent work with the glass.
Soze Soze
very good Sean . really good
mrchili mrchili
like it
billtvshow billtvshow
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
erdaest erdaest
Good storyboard piece
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
Mir Mir
good one, love your glass
Dot Dot
Sliver Sliver
fantastic.. pro work here! good going shaman
supak0ma supak0ma
dabdi56 dabdi56
matO matO
marcoballistic marcoballistic
mikey mikey
Great idea, theme and execution Sean!
Granulated Granulated
kentq kentq
CarlC CarlC
dam! that there wuz the only window this side of the mississippi
Wiz Wiz
"A Hint Maybe!"
Stevster Stevster
The Shadow master has returned. Good Update, much better now.
jonjon jonjon
Serps Serps
Nice work
Meaty Meaty
bigbuck bigbuck
NButler NButler
candyart candyart
nifft nifft
great chop, don't listen to him...
dfwsusan dfwsusan
Crowned Crowned
here is your vote:)
the burning couch the burning couch
Yep...atsa real beaut*! Only thing I could say would be that it might look better if the brick didnt look so "placed"...if you know what I mean. Small gripe tho. ;)
Lord David Lord David
IvanPanov IvanPanov
Eragon Eragon


TheShaman TheShaman
glass is all home made too. there are not a lot to choose from for broken glass externals..
Stevster Stevster
seems like there should be a darker shadow casted below the brick.
TheShaman TheShaman
you're right Stevster I accidentally had a layer turned off... now its all fixed.
TheShaman TheShaman
sorry bout that... guess I should check my own entries sometimes lol thank you for pointing it out.
dervishly dervishly
Gee this is cool!
Crowned Crowned
dervish in some languages can mean a shaman.
TheShaman TheShaman
Crowned, I'm not dervish. I DONT HAVE AN ALIAS! So FUCK OFF and go bother someone else, I DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR YOUR CHILDISHNESS. It is now very clear how you feel about me, and I hope that others see what an absolute asshole you are.
TheShaman TheShaman
any ounce of respect I still held for you Nestor is now gone. I didn't mind that much the fact that you constantly vote all around me, but accusing me of having an alias is going to far.
TheShaman TheShaman
Kings in some countries will get their heads chopped off for being tyrants too
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Waiiiiiit-a-minute...Stephen means "Crowned"...should I be offended or...MAYBE...I'M CROWNED!!! Naaaaaaah...that's not it. :) I wouldn't say anything THAT stoopid on an entry.
TheShaman TheShaman
the guy needs to be banned, He flames peoples entries, he continually posts threads that are not allowed... why is he still allowed here? can a mod please explain this to me?
marcoballistic marcoballistic
I must admit, odd comment C
TheShaman TheShaman
I think its kind of ironic that i'm defending not only the homestead, but my good name as well. Quite frankly Nestor, if I were to make an alias, I wouldn't be stupid enough to use something that had anything to do with indians.
TheShaman TheShaman
or shamans. and FYI a Dervish is a member of a Muslim religious order noted for devotional exercises. it has nothing to do with being a healer or being the spiritual leader of a tribe. which is what a Shaman is, and why I chose this screen name.
TheShaman TheShaman
I am part Cherokee thats my connection.
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
And they spinaround really really fast and get really really dizzy! :)
Crowned Crowned
yo theshamn, it was a damn joke. I confess it was a bad one, but I sincerly did not expect that you react so nervously. The positive thing about the comment is that I learned how deeply your friendship with DP is. It is so beautiful. Cheers
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Evidently, sarcasm is not one of his strongest suits.
Crowned Crowned
DP, it is between me and Sean, if you have enough courage, talk to me face to face:) Just say what is your problem..
TheShaman TheShaman
You have a very warped sense of humor Crowned....
Crowned Crowned
lol, I hate that warp tool even if it can be so useful:) Ok, I apologize.
TheShaman TheShaman
warp tool? I did not use the warp tool anywhere on this entry. lol wait. that was another joke... ugg I'm not having a good day.
TheShaman TheShaman
seriously though, if you aren't going to vote on the entry or give me feedback, I'd like to keep my comments under my vote total please ;)
TheShaman TheShaman
one last thing, and it will be the last time I want to talk about this... I value my honor and my reputation, even on the internet I strive to be honorable. So anytime that is attacked, I will defend it with my life. clear?
Crowned Crowned
you are scaring the shit out of me:) Stop it.

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 Defending The Homestead
by TheShaman
Created May 03, 2007
34 votes   25 comments
800w x 600h (381KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  4
execution  2
humor  0
idea  0
theme  2

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