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wild wild test
wild wild test

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TheShaman TheShaman
nice job Nestor.
Sliver Sliver
Top notch!
Soze Soze
great job Oldage
Heinlein Heinlein
This is astonshing! I like your work:)
Granulated Granulated
bird creations are superb.. shadows could do with some tweaking.
pachu pachu
This looks really good. Nice integration...
Less than Zero Less than Zero
welan welan
pollyO pollyO
Nice Stuff!! :)
tadams tadams
I don't think anyone will be eating anytime soon. Clever chicken/egg conundrum.
Patre Patre
Very different idea!
cherylm329 cherylm329
Your work has some great surrealism (as a whole), I like it a lot :)
abraham abraham
dabdi56 dabdi56
Here have A vote
mikey mikey
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
Tesore Tesore
Wiz Wiz
Mir Mir
brilliant, love your work
:-@dolly :-@dolly
marcoballistic marcoballistic
awesome, great though process to make this happen
Serps Serps
Very nice
Wild_Freesia Wild_Freesia
once again.. outside the box. nice work
Stevster Stevster
Eve Eve
a stranger in a strange land
Denise Denise
manic_d manic_d
claudiolky claudiolky
Evelyn Evelyn
Martrex Martrex
very cool and creative thinking and execution fav'd
wendysmurfie wendysmurfie
L@rue L@rue
bneises bneises
max&roro max&roro
Micose Micose
anabrin anabrin
Claf Claf
acemanoj acemanoj
Excellent job as always this.
bigbuck bigbuck
edovan edovan
nifft nifft
this must be on top, excellent
StephenBif StephenBif


Oldage Oldage
I must thank Eve for her sincere and subtle comment. The stranger is me, and the strange land is this:
Oldage Oldage
I tried to imitate the style but I forgot that I mainly enjoy communicating hope through my images. I am glad I tried though, because I learned lot's of stuff. I like the background and the lighting in the image. But maybe no more than that:)
Oldage Oldage
There was a lot of work though, it took me lot's of time to select and to clean the skeletons. Having said all that, I think I made a dark style funny. Even if there is death, the humor is there imho.
Oldage Oldage
one more precision: The one who Think, the capital T means the present. The one who thoughT, the capital T means the past. the small gull thinks, because it has a brain, but the brain is confused because there is no hunger. Imagine a person who is sick...
Oldage Oldage
the person who is sick (cancer for example) dlooses his appetite. Now, the big gull can't think, but it has a need, it has to eat. the body is there sending messages, but the brain, there no brain, only an empty skull.
Oldage Oldage
One can think about merging te 2 gulls so they complete each other.. but it is not that easy. The one who has a brain thinks that the brainless gull is worthless because it doesn't even think. I think, then I am; said the philosopher.
Oldage Oldage
On the other hand, the big gull, has to move, it has to support the body without even thinking. To be or not t be. All in all, the dilemma is not about gulls, it is about the human being. It is about material and intellectual needs. The cycle of needs..
Granulated Granulated
okay !
Oldage Oldage
marcoballistic marcoballistic
amazed this isn't riding high in this comp
Granulated Granulated
no shit !

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 wild wild test
by Oldage
Created August 30, 2007
43 votes   11 comments
1280w x 960h (14KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  11
humor  0
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theme  0

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