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Obviously woman are not kept silent within the church. Your image is an extremist misinterpretation of the text. A shame cause it is indeed a powerful image, just misleading.
Based on the time period of the source image women were indeed discriminated against and made to keep quiet. My piece reflects the past. The majority of religions don't take it to heart anymore, but there are some.
I would also point out that I purposely chose a run down dilapidated church as a way of referring to the past.
Manic: I'm beginning to feel the same way about the text. The text specifically provided the inspiration so I put it in. But, by removing the text it will become a more powerful image, one that isn't tied to just the past.
it was good but now it's smoking!
For posterity sake I'm quoting the original text which was in the first posting of this entry.
1 Corinthians chapter 14: As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says.
Doggonit tadams--I didn't mean to guilt ya into changing the image--it IS more powerful with the text--I just wanted to say my piece for that very reason--it is powerful/ influential even if I think it was off.
I wasn't influenced by your comment. Many times I try to be too literal with telling people what is going on. I liked it with the text, but without the text it seems more sinister and mysterious.
Silent Burning
by tadams
Created October 04, 2007
43 votes
960w x 960h (231KB)
Voting Qualities
authenticity |
2 |
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0 |
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1 |
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5 |
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4 |
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