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40 days & 40 nights
40 days & 40 nights
Gen 7:4 I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made. Only outsides are the animals. The rest is PS & brush work.

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Granulated Granulated
bigbuck bigbuck
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Poor Giraffe!
razerk22 razerk22
mrchili mrchili
annajon annajon
Heinlein Heinlein
This is really good Sean. The Giraffe in the water better hurry up and get on board.
CarlC CarlC
Wow! looks so dramatic that I felt guilty about laughing at the giraffe. Two of each animal! the bravo male suffers again LOL
Dot Dot
i'm wow'd
mikey mikey
Excellent job Sean!....amen. ;-)
ReyRey ReyRey
mon8 mon8
Man With No Name Man With No Name
Tesore Tesore
There are still giraffes! ;-) This is a great chop!
ece ece
blue_lurker blue_lurker
sweet work Sham, your putting out some real good stuff of late mate. Like it
nevet nevet
Huxa Huxa
i like this one
vokaris vokaris
pakimo pakimo
really nice :-)
Eve Eve
marcoballistic marcoballistic
sweet work Sean, great minds do indeed think alike :oP
Stevster Stevster
ReggieNoble2 ReggieNoble2
This contest mused the pros I see. This is outstanding.
Oscar Oscar
Superb :)
delucx delucx
nice work, sean :)
Mir Mir
Nice work
Anke Anke
nicely done dude
stive stive
billtvshow billtvshow
Now that is upping your game, way to bring it!
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
you are on a roll Sean, god help us all :)
Wiz Wiz
"Giraffe overboard skipper"..."That's OK Shem, we've still got the other one!" Old Noah Joke!;-)
Draco Draco
abraham abraham
very nice
pickle pickle
Oldage Oldage
pollyO pollyO
Super!!! :)
Serps Serps
Nice work
welan welan
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
Tea Man Tea Man
NikolaiDK NikolaiDK
badcop badcop
you made the crashing waves from scratch? wawaweewa! Adding the giraffe was a great touch.
jazgraphic jazgraphic
Ravelant Ravelant
Soze Soze
Best in show!!!!
vunt van pumununt vunt van pumununt
beautifull ps work !!
dabdi56 dabdi56
40 days + 40 nights =80 Votes very good work
Martrex Martrex
the burning couch the burning couch
Beautiful work*!
apexjess apexjess
Netwel Netwel
anabrin anabrin
Awesome ps work on water,wave and rain, and clouds...impressive!
Claf Claf
Great work! The rain can be more slick... feel something like fibers filter. Good luck for the win! :)
Salvezza Salvezza
tadams tadams
Great brush work.
Micose Micose
dam good...maybe my fav by u.
manic_d manic_d
this is exactly how I imagine the ARK
Luxwiz Luxwiz
so thet's why giraffes have such long necks :) very impresive the water spray.
podgorski podgorski
Great stuff
max&roro max&roro
acemanoj acemanoj
Nicely done..
Noti Noti
I`m too lazy to take a dictionary and look up "giraffe", but thats the gernam word for the animal swimming in the ocean and i LOVE it. great idea
ScionShade ScionShade
Govan Govan
Very nice;-)
yello_piggy yello_piggy
L@rue L@rue
gsenthil gsenthil
lancoma lancoma


TheShaman TheShaman
he fell overboard Jim... They haven't noticed yet. I always felt like if there was a really bad storm like this it would be very violent on the sea. Shouldn't be too much of a stretch to think animals fell overboard.
TheShaman TheShaman
Saaaay, maybe thats what happened to all the unicorns LOL!
ReyRey ReyRey
Powerful! Looks like a good book illustration! Has an Andrew Wyeth feel to it.
TheShaman TheShaman
Thank you Rey that means a lot! I really had a great time creating this whole scene basically from my imagination. No outside references used. I even took some time to make rain drops on the water.
ReyRey ReyRey
The struggling giraffe also adds sooo much urgency to this image. It makes you feel the vulnerability of the animals and all on the ship. You know they are at the mercy of the waves and you feel it. OK. I'm done now. Boy are my lips chapped.
mikey mikey
This is true!
billtvshow billtvshow
Man you and Rey just pwnd this contest, faved both, that's very rare.
Micose Micose
the wave crashing is brushstroke ?
TheShaman TheShaman
brush, erase and smudge.
TheShaman TheShaman
WHOOT 70 votes! Awesome! thank you guys!
dabdi56 dabdi56
Congrats very good
ReggieNoble2 ReggieNoble2
This was outstanding, great show mate.
ReyRey ReyRey
Prince Laurent Prince Laurent
I missed this contest. Your SUPERB entry reminds me a Rey² masterpiece (H2H '09). Faved! ;-)

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 40 days & 40 nights
by TheShaman
Created October 03, 2007
70 votes   14 comments
1000w x 900h (500KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  1
execution  17
humor  0
idea  5
theme  5

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