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Less than Zero
Wow, I'm shocked! Indy wasn't quite as bad as I first thought.. and tofu your 100% right on the flag, I need to work on that..
First of all, in cartoons you are allowed to make your own characters (this one I love to hate, he looks that way! Arogant ... On the hand, do frogs have oposable thumbs? Maybe all fingers around the stick is better. Happy Valentineday, Less than Zero!
Less than Zero
Thanks Anna! And you are right on the thumb, looks goofy :)
Less than Zero
lol, tadams :)
Less than Zero
Oh, I just looked claf ...your right (original image- Jacques Villeneuve longbeach 1995) Wow great job!!
by Less than Zero
Created February 12, 2008
39 votes
800w x 600h (3KB)
Voting Qualities
authenticity |
0 |
execution |
0 |
humor |
5 |
idea |
3 |
theme |
0 |
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