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In The Year 3000 (TCM)
In The Year 3000 (TCM)

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fritzvondefranz fritzvondefranz
Pearcinator Pearcinator
Put TCM in the title (if u wanna) so ppl know wat ya doing. Really nicely done btw, was gonna enter it but the trees screed my thing up.
zorda zorda
great imagination!
TheShaman TheShaman
dbbowling dbbowling
marcoballistic marcoballistic
yes sir, this is future cool
annajon annajon
I love how you made the trees float Kris! Fabulous work.
Martrex Martrex
Eve Eve
W O W!
seelcraft seelcraft
Lotta good knocks and integration here! The leaves got a little eaten back, tho.
tadams tadams
Very futuristic. Where the background city meets the tree on the left seems a bit rough.
birdtoes birdtoes
max&roro max&roro
kinetic_be kinetic_be
mike.b. mike.b.
haha sweet this is wat its going to be like when we are gone:) great piece of work goat nice color ..and is that a city on a pole?? that is just smack dab wonderful thinking right there ..winner in my book fav'd
candron candron
i know now what this place is realy about for people as you, have a nice live and dont wory i dont make blury castles anymore, you need a vote here it is
Serps Serps
Salvezza Salvezza
really nice
Mel47 Mel47
Granulated Granulated
Tesore Tesore
We don't fly? Then I was wrong :-( Great chop!
cinigar77 cinigar77
Soze Soze
creative idea
macksmax macksmax
JoePhila JoePhila
Dead Man Dead Man
caprix3 caprix3
caradeu caradeu
bigbuck bigbuck
UntExp UntExp
Heinlein Heinlein
gravyboat gravyboat
anabe anabe
Tea Man Tea Man
mikey mikey
the burning couch the burning couch
Good stuff*!
LeviRein LeviRein
Claf Claf
good one ohh i miss the tcm but have been having fun in the sun ;)
gsenthil gsenthil
pollyO pollyO


Goat1981 Goat1981
Yeah. The trees were hard to deal with, Seel. I'll put TCM in the title. :)
Goat1981 Goat1981
If it were up to me, I would've gotten rid of the trees. :) But the challenge was to *keep* the trees. It's a shame they were so low-res in the source. :(
Goat1981 Goat1981
Thanks for the kind comment, mike. :) The city is floating like everything else. That's the road leading to the city (as are the curvy lines on the left and right of the city).
candron candron
the shadow is comming from the left yes? so yes thake a good look at the total picture, the trees???
Goat1981 Goat1981
You're right. The shading isn't perfect. Sorry.
Goat1981 Goat1981
I've already put too much time into this image to edit it more, especially since it's getting a pretty poor's not really worth it. seems you've voted for plenty of images that have far more serious lighting errors.
Goat1981 Goat1981
So, I don't know what the deal is....maybe because I didn't vote on your blurry castle image with lazy clone marks until day 3 because it was beating a much better-chopped image? Sometimes I don't get this place.
tadams tadams
You will never get this place so don't even try.
tadams tadams
I stopped trying a long, long time ago.
candron candron
my blurry is a lot better than this shadow teribble entrie goat, you can do better, and why are you so upsad about my castle, sorry for my english but yeah you dont speak dutch or french or german so i have to deal with this, you made my day mate ,
Goat1981 Goat1981
I'm not upset about your castle in general. I get annoyed when crappy images take the top spots when there are major problems with them.
Goat1981 Goat1981
I mean, really... kinetic's entry today that was in FIRST for quite sometime and is still second. CANDRON, can you honestly say that should be there? What is it...lit by two suns and moonlight that is stronger than the sunlight. ...and you get
Goat1981 Goat1981
on my case because I didn't modify the shadows on the road? Give me a break.
Goat1981 Goat1981
"i know now what this place is realy about for people as you, have a nice live and dont wory i dont make blury castles anymore, you need a vote here it is" You've obviously missed the point.
candron candron
mate i dont misss the point , you are trying to tell, but, when there is an entrie with two suns?? or anything thats impossible soo be it, you make a dog with many legs, sowhat it was funny and a great job, its ps man everything is possible here,
candron candron
and i know not always the best pic wins here, sowhat , enjoy your work and when people like it be happy, dont take everything so serieus its bat for your hart, and believe me the winner today is forgotten tomorrow, so end of my story about this subject
annajon annajon
Would it not be easier to pm eachother - do you guys need a referee?
Goat1981 Goat1981
No, anna. I want as many comments as votes. :P Well, if anything can happen....there's no need to worry about shadows at all, right? *lol* My shadows are perfectly correct! It's PS! So, why did you bring it up?
Goat1981 Goat1981
The point is that I get annoyed when good entries get outvoted by many SUBPAR entries that have resolution issues, crappy lighting/shadows, poor integration, etc. My dog-chop may have had many legs...but I worked hard to make it clean, with matching
Goat1981 Goat1981
crispness and fairly good shading. ...the excuse that its "PS anything goes" doesn't fly with me. and if that's your belief, you wouldn't have said anything in the first place. I'm done ranting.
mike.b. mike.b.
ding ding ding.still its a great piece o work.i agree wit candron.the winner today is forgotten tomorrow and the dogapiller totally kicked ass.i wish i had a printer so my boy could take it home and hang it on his wall at his moms...he likes it that much
annajon annajon
Joint TCM winner
Eve Eve
I see no flaws in this work...hence my W O W vote. Even the reflections on the car are terrific. Great work, Kris. I don't get this place anymore either.
hungry hungry
Anyone knows that hovering trees bend space-time with their flex-fuel technology. Thus, the shadows would be nullified by the light passing through the time dialation field created around the road. Please fix the image so it better reflects reality.

 Cozy Road
Cozy Road zoom

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 In The Year 3000 (TCM)
by Goat1981
Created July 07, 2008
41 votes   24 comments
860w x 645h (497KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  1
execution  4
humor  0
idea  7
theme  1

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