butterflies external, rest source and PS. I wanted to do something other than a chair based entry ;o) |
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it is not perfectly symmetrical if you look, I varied the wood textures and grains in various parts from draw to draw. I never just flip & leave as it is, looks to plain. Cheers Doug.
I admit though could have done more though :o)
No, I mean the pose, not the actual pieces. Of course they are shaded and textured assymetrically, it's just that you lose a little depth and shape when it's face on. Same with your Samurai a few months ago. :)
Same deal with the organ I did from a gas tank awhile ago: It would have been better with the point of view off center. And it wasn't cloned and flipped, either: the shading on the tank would have been wrong.
ahhh got ya, god point :)
and by god I mean good lol
Sincerely, the job is very good, but I'd like if recognize the basic image...=/
well in regards to recognising the basic image, it uses various parts of it, to make this whole, but I presume you mean the chair as a focal point. I believe if everyones focus was on the main parts of sources, PSC would fast become very unimaginative :)
very nice marco.
Well Marco, don't worry, is only my point of view, and it don't remove your job's shine. In fact, when I see an image worked, I like to remember from where it came. As I said, this is a very nice job, but I use textures when I'm feeling no way o
(sorry) - just completing: " I just use textures when I'm felling no way out.
I think it's great if you cant see the original... As long as you used it and it displays your true talent in PS, And It's clear you have a lot of talent. It's not just blurred out, cut up pieces of the source, it makes a nice new picture!
the maker was French maybe, or drunk or just me lol
Displays of Nature...
by marcoballistic
Created September 01, 2008
45 votes
880w x 960h (199KB)
Voting Qualities
authenticity |
1 |
execution |
4 |
humor |
0 |
idea |
7 |
theme |
1 |
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