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Behold the Lamb of God *
Behold the Lamb of God *
Updated~ O.K. let's be honest, I was a bit scared to try to fix this. I was afraid I'd screw it up, ummm xcuse my French Lord. I hope I didn't ruin it. ;P

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candron candron
very good work sal
Mel47 Mel47
marcoballistic marcoballistic
same idea Sal, very nicely done
Govan Govan
Very niiice;-)
ReyRey ReyRey
nat_g31 nat_g31
very nice sal, wish the wood was a little thinner so you can see the wood figure. But well done
claude edwards claude edwards
impressive . Technically very high standard. appreciate the theme
mikey mikey
Wow! :) love it! fav'd
anabe anabe
Serps Serps
pollyO pollyO
Martrex Martrex
Napalm32 Napalm32
nice idea and background
Mir Mir
jmf1066 jmf1066
rose-wood71 rose-wood71
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
nice job Sal
tcdanewbreed tcdanewbreed
abraham abraham
high rate
bigbuck bigbuck
lwelch lwelch
TheShaman TheShaman
loves it!
Miss SS Miss SS
Luxwiz Luxwiz
nice .I like the b/g a lot :·)
yello_piggy yello_piggy
Micose Micose
gsenthil gsenthil
fritzvondefranz fritzvondefranz


marcoballistic marcoballistic
only thing I may adjust is clicking big the upper arms appear to have some of the original source background cut out with them. And nothing appears to be nailing/strapping Jebus to the cross. Just a couple of idea for an update, otherwise great.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
who voted this 1, grow up ya fools
tcdanewbreed tcdanewbreed
nice job
Salvezza Salvezza
Rating of 1, I guess either someone is offended or jealous, lol. Oh well, when someone hates on me, I must be doing something right. :)
Salvezza Salvezza
I see what you're saying Marco. I must admit I have poor eyesight and being very tired after coming in from work last night doesn't help any. I agree with Nat the cross could be narrower. Please forgive me if I don't update guys. I work this weekend
Salvezza Salvezza
ok I'm not one to boast . I'm always my worst critic, but I kept the original and then I clicked back and forth to do a comparison. It's amazing what the update did. Thanks Marco, and Nat for your advice, and being my gentle, and kind mentors. xo &hear
Salvezza Salvezza
♥ :)
huffin paint huffin paint
really nice ....
nat_g31 nat_g31
Love the update sal, hate to knit pick but the blood is a bit bright, I know you put a ton of time and effort into this and want it to be just right, just a thought.
Salvezza Salvezza
The blood is a bit bright, but then again, a wooden man bleeding? :)
nat_g31 nat_g31
lol tru dat!
tcdanewbreed tcdanewbreed
the crucified were nailed at the wrist, reason being the hands can't support the weight of the body. No offense to your work, just thought you should know.
Salvezza Salvezza
tcdanewbreed tcdanewbreed
Salvezza Salvezza
The background is The mother Mary, Joseph, and the Lord baby Jesus.. :) Thnx

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 Behold the Lamb of God *
by Salvezza
Created December 07, 2008
31 votes   15 comments
1024w x 768h (424KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  2
humor  0
idea  0
theme  4

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