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Happy to see me or is that a banana in your pocket?

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Cartoon Contractor Cartoon Contractor
Thumbs up! Great image! Well done!
dannyboyuk09 dannyboyuk09
lostagain lostagain
annajon annajon
CarlC CarlC
bogsy bogsy
blackfox blackfox
Mel47 Mel47
kiikerce kiikerce
zorro13 zorro13
daKimmer daKimmer
Salvezza Salvezza
gravityx9 gravityx9
Macphisto Macphisto
Mir Mir
whySOserious whySOserious
humor vote
dewdew dewdew
this is very nice work
spikelmalo spikelmalo


candron candron
can i see the externals please
jccrowder jccrowder
I second external source.
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
wedoo2 wedoo2
I'm just a maker of simple shops I'm not a, real political man I look at PS Contest, but I'm not sure I can tell you The difference between the real and the scam.
candron candron
i dont atack you, the external you find is a good fit for the source
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
I recommend you replace this entry. You've appropriated someone's copyrighted image. Must have taken all of five minutes. Not cool.
wedoo2 wedoo2
I'm not trying to sell it, just have fun with an already fun image. And that is cool.
Cartoon Contractor Cartoon Contractor
I retract my vote! Where is the unvote button?
nat_g31 nat_g31
It may be fun but the artists may take serious exception if they saw it.
wedoo2 wedoo2
Jeez, I'm sorry folks. I am certain that this is not the first "borrowed" image ever shopped here, and it was a 5 minute job. But fun is fun. Don't vote for it, won't be the first time for me, nor will be the last. If I have offended, I apologize
AudioJester AudioJester
the creator of this image used a Shrek image and used Donkey in one of the images he created. I reallllly dont think he would give two poops if he saw this. Chill out people.
AudioJester AudioJester
Im talking about the original image from btw
jazgraphic jazgraphic
I have this chop in my image library (I see something creative, I save for future inspiration). All that was needed was to make mention and give credit to the original artist and all this bullshit would have never accured imo.
nat_g31 nat_g31
It's cool, live and learn, doesn't affect me either way. It was a great externel and funny as hell. I think jaz hit it right--- just post a link to externel so it doesn't look like you created the whole pic.
Salvezza Salvezza
deserves a lot more votes
lostagain lostagain
nice one wedoo2,hope i can vote again for it and thank god u didnt say ALL SOURCE like some ppl here :)

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by wedoo2
Created April 03, 2009
18 votes   16 comments
750w x 537h (118KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  2
humor  5
idea  0
theme  0

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