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rashdog rashdog
ah...almost didn't catch the reflection at first...excellent!
deshone deshone
yello_piggy yello_piggy
yep, this is worth looking for a while!!!
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
I really dig on the grooves! Groovy! Took me a second to realize that it's a reflection and not a grooved clear ball. I Googled images for "Petanque" and it seems to be a popular game at nudist colonies/resorts. Weird.
mikey mikey
Nice change to rocks! ~
Alex Alex
Kansas Kansas
Flipping awesome!!!! Good job here Claf.
Michel Michel
Very good polished metal.
jazgraphic jazgraphic
mason4300 mason4300
ayok ayok
claudiolky claudiolky
Patre Patre
I learned something new because I had never heard of Petanque..Nice work Claf!
supak0ma supak0ma
this should be on top! now i see it, its a shiny metal ball isnt it?
Eve Eve
downtownbrown374 downtownbrown374
yeah its really cool, i like it better after finding out its a reflection too
Serps Serps
seamusoisin seamusoisin
Petanque=Bocce in Italian nice chop Claf!
karell karell
Netwel Netwel
Good That's some chopping!
nancers nancers
TheShaman TheShaman
Micose Micose
If they see it in Marseille (France) they buy...
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Damn Clafs got metal balls...sweet
nav nav
rockprinzess rockprinzess
WOW! =) Great idea! This is cool! Awesome work! =)
Vlad Vlad
Very interesting work sir.
Caldera Caldera
Tasty ... good work here
serious serious
very original!
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
marcoballistic marcoballistic
ahhhhhh you mean Boules,I was trying to work out what the hell Petanque was,then I remembered I had heard it before.& then with that, the image suddenly hit me,like many,I thought transparent ball?but no,its pure Claf genius,why isn't this winning? superb
Josh62088 Josh62088
This is TRUELY extrodinary!!!! This is the most impressive I think I've seen. just the idea alone of doing a metal surface instead of a glass surface is intrigueing! I like how it plays with your mind. You say it only took alittle time to do?
tsitra tsitra
reflection nice, took me a minute. (not that you should) but wonder what would make the metal more obvious, what variable is it that triggers the immediate assumption this is transparent?? interesting how the mind automatically jumps to conclusion.
billtvshow billtvshow
Heinlein Heinlein
anfa anfa
Very nice! :)
Goat1981 Goat1981
"metal balls" vote. :-P Excellent work here, Claude.
delucx delucx
arcaico arcaico
Cambria Cambria
ahh... yes.. bocce balls here! (thanks Claf)... awesome image
Eepi Eepi
kooi kooi
after thousand times looking at it i understand!!! :D
Wett Wett
aw some!
sage sage
very nice, claf! I guess the closest in English to Petanque is lawn bowling, but on gravel, not lawn.
cafn8d cafn8d
IvanPanov IvanPanov


Michel Michel
Tofu : petanque = France = naturisme. That's why :)
Claf Claf
Nudism?? I have to add... there's nothing subliminal here! :)
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
Thanks for the explaination Michel! And Claf I like the fleck stuck to the ball too. Subtle detail but adds a bunch.
lmanning lmanning
good old boy looks quality!! u lot ave too much time on ur hands dnt u have jobs!!!!
supak0ma supak0ma
yep, bocce, french ppl are crazy about this game
Claf Claf
Re: supak0ma: Thanks! Yes, a metal ball.
Micose Micose
do u know the name for the little red one to aim at ? the " cochonnet" pronounce :"cowshownay".
Claf Claf
I made some small adjustments... I found my idea only this morning and had not enough time to make it well. Thanks already for your votes & comments! :)
Josh62088 Josh62088
you've given me a new challenge, to step too Claf... very impressive indeed!
rashdog rashdog
sweet update...way undervoted
Claf Claf
Thanks for your nice comments! Marco, I think that the subject is not helping... petanque is a boring game that a lot of people never heard about. Josh, it took 2 hours + 1/2 hour last night. I was inspired by YerPalAl’s Flying Over Tahoe Car...
Claf Claf
... on this one. Tsitra, I like the fact that we dont see the real thing immediately. Maybe yesterday some details were not helping, but I think that now it's enough realistic.
Claf Claf
For the one who never heard about petanque, here's an example of what the hell is that game: [img]
Claf Claf
The goal of petanque is to pitch your metal balls as close as possible to the little red one (cochonnet). Very simple game! :)
Claf Claf
Re: arcaico: Thanks! It looks more tough to play on that surface. Isn't it?
kooi kooi
understood, sorry ;)

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by Claf
Created January 19, 2006
47 votes   16 comments
550w x 413h (69KB)

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