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my house
my house

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elljay elljay
Yay im the 1st 2 vote. But i have 2 say - excellent!!! reminds me of signs, like the sepia effect too.
NButler NButler
jazgraphic jazgraphic
nice work;)
FootFungas FootFungas
AlmostPerfect AlmostPerfect
nice :-)
blue_lurker blue_lurker
nice age look sweet chop
mikey mikey
seamusoisin seamusoisin
This different and really effective
Micose Micose
remins me macchioli pre-impressionist italian paintings...haha.... it's superb Karell
Fieryidris Fieryidris
Gort Gort
Kansas Kansas
Love it !!!
marcoballistic marcoballistic
fantastic Karell, good entry, love the dark sepia tones
j58roldan j58roldan
Very Nice!
Eve Eve
great lighting & tones
bsoholic bsoholic
Cool! I love the lighting.
RiccardoS RiccardoS
nav nav
div1sion div1sion
neato ;)
rashdog rashdog
kentq kentq
neat look
ReyRey ReyRey
Wow!!! Great choices made all over. Great use of filters. if your gonna use them, use them right. This is perfect! Well done!
Cambria Cambria
Anyone else hearing the song "Follow the Yellow Brick Road"? Awesome extension!
bigbuck bigbuck
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
not a filter fan, but a good image overall
BarclaysBabe BarclaysBabe
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
Run Forest! RUN!
dbbowling dbbowling
jefflang007 jefflang007
movie posterish...very nice
NewNeo NewNeo
nice work, great color scheme
Serps Serps
Very nice
rockprinzess rockprinzess
Fantastic work Karell!!! =)
billtvshow billtvshow
Designed2522 Designed2522
Great Coloring!
Da_Dude Da_Dude
good mood
Claf Claf
Great one Karell! :)
Vlad Vlad
Cool atmosphere.
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
Meeshoo Klan Meeshoo Klan
yello_piggy yello_piggy
TheShaman TheShaman
anfa anfa
Nice! :)
Eepi Eepi
claudiolky claudiolky
sage sage
tres bel image, karell
Heinlein Heinlein
This is awesome
Michel Michel
askerai askerai
wendysmurfie wendysmurfie
L@rue L@rue
16ozBud 16ozBud
Persuader Persuader
cafn8d cafn8d


Micose Micose
bon jte prepare un ptit discours en anglais pour au cas ou...
karell karell
Thanks for the support :>)

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 my house
by karell
Created February 13, 2006
54 votes   2 comments
452w x 600h (94KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  9
humor  0
idea  2
theme  6

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