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Footsie the Fruit Lover
Footsie the Fruit Lover
Footsie the fruit loving alien. How does he eat the fruit? It's not an easy feet. He is only a foot tall. Come on, that's funny. Don't be such a heel. Someone call a toe truck ;0) He's always putting his foot in his mouth.

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ayok ayok
bigbuck bigbuck
kentq kentq
this is freaky....
karell karell
i like it :>) love this , it´s strange
nav nav
claudiolky claudiolky
crazy but very creative....
Persuader Persuader
wow - brilliant work - looks fantastic =)
seamusoisin seamusoisin
Feet in search of potassium
mikey mikey
Did you take the blue pill or the yellow one? ~ lol! ~ wild surrealism! ~
couldb5150 couldb5150
R² I know how to fix this ...with a hahahah..gutes thats the way it toes..bahahahaha..but bad humor has alway been my achcilles heel...bahahahah...what is that about 12 inches ??maybe that foot wants to be a ruler hahahahahah
<senzotaku> <senzotaku>
weird, but well created!
Denise Denise
Nuttdriver Nuttdriver
rashdog rashdog
this is great...had a similar idea minus the fruit but couldn't pull it off well
mason4300 mason4300
lol this looks so dopey! I have this feeling that it belongs to some sort of tv show...
Goat1981 Goat1981
I absolutely love this!! *LOL*
Cambria Cambria
Errrrr...? Well, at least it's eating healthy! Awesome job!
Micose Micose
hacky hacky
Thalidomide vote
jasper jasper
"other" ;)
Noti Noti
ha! cute, but soooo ugly, i love it
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
Do you have any medication left? ReyRey, You have a foot up on the competition for sure.
yomar yomar
gravyboat gravyboat
I'm a sucker for a bad pun.... :)
hungry hungry
... :-| ?? lol
Eve Eve
Disturbing, hell yes! Open mouth, insert
Caldera Caldera
You are a pro sir ... so freaky and awesome
FootFungas FootFungas
jeepers jeepers
Surreal! Bizzare! Trippy! I LOVE it!
anabrin anabrin
Kansas Kansas
To be real honest.. I didn't vote the first time around cause it creeped me out so badly...But then like with all good puns and chops I make my peace and vote! You are a good photoshopper and very funny. I think I'm done looking at it now..whew
j58roldan j58roldan
woodie woodie
This would make an excellent horror movie, or perhaps a good childrens show.
Claf Claf
Cool! I like it! Similar idea vote! :)
luny luny
RiccardoS RiccardoS
marcoballistic marcoballistic
fuddin' genius work, shows off a fantastic imagination too, great as always Mr Rey
Serps Serps
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
All of the above.
anfa anfa
Mad! :D
Netwel Netwel
patrickflood patrickflood
The "this disturbs me on so many levels" vote.
yello_piggy yello_piggy
weird cool
TheShaman TheShaman
strange but cool
Wett Wett
relax relax
Krank Krank
Voting in spite of the awful jokes.
volkswes volkswes
good job weirdo
billtvshow billtvshow
Totally cool, congrats on 6k.
delucx delucx
D. All of the Above! :)
Michel Michel
Let it be said : the blades of grass that thing is standing on are way too small, I mean, how do you expect your chops to look realistic with things like that?
serious serious
disturbing... :S
clonestamp trooper clonestamp trooper
freakishly cool
deshone deshone
yup ... weird
L@rue L@rue
cafn8d cafn8d


ReyRey ReyRey
I just thought this was so funny. I don't know why. I just kept laughing while I was doing it. :0) Ha ha ah aha h ah ha ha ha ha ha
ReyRey ReyRey
I'd like to do a little survey on this image because I recieved such different feedback. One person said it was cute. One said it was funny. One said disturbing. One said it looked happy. One said they could not even look at it. What do you see?
couldb5150 couldb5150
oops almost forgot ...R² i really like it its kinda Dali~esque meets art deco .. with a little fan~ dango~a~la R² thrown in cool post !!!!...
couldb5150 couldb5150
oops almost forgot ...R² i really like it its kinda Dali~esque meets art deco .. with a little fan~ dango~a~la R² thrown in cool post !!!!...
couldb5150 couldb5150
redundant ...redundant ......sorry about that ..that ..that
Eve Eve
What did your wife say about it, Rey?
ReyRey ReyRey
She thought it was disturbing
mason4300 mason4300
"One person said it was cute. One said it was funny. One said disturbing. One said it looked happy. One said they could not even look at it" I'll go with all of the above. lol
buglover buglover
Rock'n roll again!
Luxwiz Luxwiz
If you want my opinion Rey2 ,I think this is the punniest chop I've ever read.Oh and the image is great too...flol

Feet! zoom

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 Footsie the Fruit Lover
by ReyRey
Created February 24, 2006
57 votes   10 comments
527w x 600h (122KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  1
execution  5
humor  8
idea  4
theme  2

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