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Lets go....
Lets go....
FLY A KITE! (everything but bird is source) Its the first thing I saw with the source when I turned it upside down.

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yello_piggy yello_piggy
weird one
Netwel Netwel
Derivatix Derivatix
haha, that seagull sure has to flap its wings a lot! Heavy... :D
Micose Micose
supa weird good
Kansas Kansas
That poor bird sure crshes into stuff alot...Is this the french fry bird? LOL
kentq kentq
hard beak on that bird....nice job
ReyRey ReyRey
blue_lurker blue_lurker
sweet and different mate. Nice chop
claudiolky claudiolky
Terrific idea...great job Sean
Heinlein Heinlein
Good one sean
Eve Eve
Azionite Azionite
mine! mine! mine!
mikey mikey
Nuttdriver Nuttdriver
Denise Denise
Govan Govan
good idea
anabrin anabrin
Stevster Stevster
Krank Krank
bigbuck bigbuck
Good one Sean! :)
karell karell
Ohh splendid, i like it :>)
Persuader Persuader
Spritle Spritle
bsoholic bsoholic
Melusky Melusky
Goat1981 Goat1981
Out of the box and very creative! A cool interpretation of the source.
AlmostPerfect AlmostPerfect
couldb5150 couldb5150
very cool ..nicely done !!
NDKnight07 NDKnight07
askerai askerai
seamusoisin seamusoisin
clantoncs clantoncs
nice one
jazgraphic jazgraphic
Creative piece
wendysmurfie wendysmurfie
you can do anything huh? you just made stone fly and let an friggin seagull come through the stone! awesome, make no sense at all chop! love it :D
Wett Wett
Roppa Roppa
sage sage
Claf Claf
delucx delucx
anfa anfa
marcoballistic marcoballistic
mere_artist mere_artist
great job sean, but don't you know kite flying is illegal?
Vlad Vlad


TheShaman TheShaman
lol yes kansas, it is my french fry bird :D

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 Lets go....
by TheShaman
Created March 09, 2006
44 votes   1 comments
550w x 600h (123KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  1
humor  6
idea  5
theme  0

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