I have long believed that the empty paint tubes say as much as the canvasses the paint ends up on. This was five of the funnest hours I've had in a while. |
Voting has ended, but you can still leave a comment
Queen La Tiff
kent: five hours, the pen tool, and magnification at 1200%...nothing to it!
wow...very impressive...do you not have a family or do you do this while they are asleep?
Queen La Tiff
nah kent...I just ignore them. Just kidding, I'm a chronic insomniac. And Eve, I'm about to kill that woman! I swear, the stick up hers must have a stick up its! Heh.
behind blue eyes
Coral Trace, Illustrator live trace, or comparable programs...5 MINUTES, not 5 hours!! You've done this to many times!! Thought this was a PS Contest!!!!
Queen La Tiff
you don't have to vote for it, fella. Maybe I use PSC to hone the skills I'm currently trying to hone...like vector work. Believe it or not, I actually enjoy doing this...and the Corel and Illustrator programs look like...programs.
Queen La Tiff
Besides, 5 out of 60 is "to" many times?!? It's 1/12th...
I love your vectors! Wish I knew how to do that. :) Sorry I missed the time deadline to vote. :(
the Tube
by Queen La Tiff
Created March 07, 2006
38 votes
550w x 550h (121KB)
Voting Qualities
authenticity |
1 |
execution |
9 |
humor |
0 |
idea |
1 |
theme |
2 |
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