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It's All Gone Down Hill
It's All Gone Down Hill
It never looked like this when I was a lad...

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Heinlein Heinlein
The best marco! I love it, everything about it :)
yello_piggy yello_piggy
zasad zasad
wendysmurfie wendysmurfie
i love the wall, did you drawn the face to? Looks great!
Denise Denise
Micose Micose
seamusoisin seamusoisin
Grunge chop of the day, like the painting on wall Marco
Govan Govan
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
Damn kids! Were movin!
Gort Gort
good one
bigbuck bigbuck
This is great Marco!
div1sion div1sion
looks very real :D amazing work :D
leif leif
TheShaman TheShaman
wrong side of the tracks vote
claudiolky claudiolky
great job Marco
FootFungas FootFungas
Eve Eve
Fabulous, Marco!
timwilder timwilder
Good Job!
kentq kentq
Grefix Grefix
nice (well...)
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
mikey mikey
karell karell
style marco, beautiful :>)
draugaer draugaer
Wow really goos work here, the mood and lighting change is great. One of my favorites.
arcaico arcaico
try this instead...
Kansas Kansas
Derivatix Derivatix
cool one, and thanks for not spilling the usual blood everywhere, tonight I'll sleep well! :D
Spritle Spritle
Great job.
kittie kittie
(yay i can finally vote..) This is really cool.. I'd definitely be freaked at night if i walked through and saw that face... *shutter*
JGarland2269k JGarland2269k
AlmostPerfect AlmostPerfect
way too much to read on this page... i'll just look, envy and vote per usual.
volkswes volkswes
Serps Serps
Grimmie Grimmie
Very good job !!!
DLowrie DLowrie
olive olive
clantoncs clantoncs
Azionite Azionite
vertical extension vote... :)
DaVinci DaVinci
Looks likes a nice neighbourhood :)
goboo goboo
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
Heh, I like the little domokun on the ground. >_>
mere_artist mere_artist
Wett Wett
I love what you did no matter how bad your punctuation is ;p :D
Caldera Caldera
Good work
delucx delucx
nice work marco
Cambria Cambria
I got it... to make things simple.. I just avoid saying "all source" unless it's ALL SOURCE. Nicely done, marco!
Prince Laurent Prince Laurent
Very nice Marco
Roppa Roppa


marcoballistic marcoballistic
all source vertical extension in case people don't spot it :D
Fenrez Fenrez
That is sick! Good job!
Alex Alex
Not all source. No way you painted that face on the wall... I quite sure you didn't even paint those tags on the floor. Just so people know.
arcaico arcaico
ok. maybe we should state the meaning of "all source" to marco... it means you created the whole entry, using ONLY the given source and photoshop tools. THAT is a all source entry.
arcaico arcaico
You canīt tag an image all source when you use external sources such as this one: 2520(26).jpg
arcaico arcaico
that leads people to believe you painted the clown face. In other words, you get credit for something you didnīt do.
arcaico arcaico
wendysmurfie i love the wall, did you drawn the face to? Looks great! seamusoisin Grunge chop of the day, like the painting on wall Marco
arcaico arcaico
previous link was damaged... try this: 2520(26).jpg
arcaico arcaico
arcaico arcaico
hit the wrong button again... ITīS ALL SCIONīS FAULT!!!!
arcaico arcaico
dude... think better next time you tag you entry ALL SOURCE...
Alex Alex
Yeah. What he say... We can even see where the pic ends on the building right in the very top left corner of your chop. Having hard time with the copy-paste tool bud? You should have spilled blood on the wall, you're better at it. ;)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
ok ok, before this gets out of hand, I better explain, a missed bit of punctuation has caused a misunderstanding here people. I meant all source extension, as in the extension part, of course the face etc are not hand done, that would have taken all year
marcoballistic marcoballistic
as it reads I put all source vertical extension, to state as clear as I can, this is only refering to the actual extension of the image, I apologise for the mix up this has caused. As I admit, after putting the comment, I did not re-read it....ooops
marcoballistic marcoballistic
if I was refering to the entire image, why would I have said 'in case people don't spot it' ?? at the end of the original statement.....ahhh well we all have typo's
Alex Alex
This is out of control!!!!!! Ok ok... maybe not. Now go fix that bug in the top left... :)

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 It's All Gone Down Hill
by marcoballistic
Created March 28, 2006
48 votes   17 comments
550w x 600h (112KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  3
execution  16
humor  0
idea  1
theme  0

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