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Free Bird
Free Bird
In tribute to Dr. Wu. May his family find comfort in knowing that he is finally free of the physical pain that his battle caused.

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Kansas Kansas
Wonderful Nancers!
Evelyn Evelyn
very nice
volkswes volkswes
gotta laugh at the birds holding lighters....Nancers=Closet Skynard Fan.....nice piece Nancy
bigbuck bigbuck
GrampZ GrampZ
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
bx3800 bx3800
excellent theme:.
Will_E_Makit Will_E_Makit
Excellent chop Nancers and yoyr authors note is definitely straight from the heart!
Merlin Merlin
Eve Eve
Flippin' (hahaha) Fantastic!!!!
Gort Gort
very nice
ReyRey ReyRey
Kansas Kansas Wonderful Nancers!
Patre Patre
I really like this theme and the way you expressed it.... An ingenious use of the source image to tell a human story that in some way we will all share or have shared...Release and relief,sorrow and honor.....
marcoballistic marcoballistic
Nancers, this is a very powerful image, really strong and gets the point across so well, bravo
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
Persuader Persuader
u nailed it Nancers - very well done =)
Rnswiths Rnswiths
Outstanding Nanceroo!!
TheShaman TheShaman
Kansas Kansas Wonderful Nancers!
Vlad Vlad
ScionShade ScionShade
Serps Serps
Relic Oboogie Relic Oboogie
Very nice, great job.
Micose Micose
rebelos rebelos
Heinlein Heinlein
Showcase Showcase
good god...compassion? I woulda never guess! ;) well done, dear :D
jazgraphic jazgraphic
Mir Mir
billtvshow billtvshow
ece ece
samuelb samuelb
very nice
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
Beauty Nancy!
thbeghin thbeghin
YOU are the best :D
Luxwiz Luxwiz
the spirit is in the message.nice
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
bsoholic bsoholic
rashdog rashdog
the burning couch the burning couch
Sassy Sassy
Govan Govan
MindGraph MindGraph
great nancy. Sweet tribute
jeff_in_dallas jeff_in_dallas
beautiful rendition of a lovely thought
badcop badcop
Kansas Kansas Kansas Kansas Wonderful Nancers!
Claf Claf
Nice! :)
Eepi Eepi
L@rue L@rue


ReyRey ReyRey
Oops I copied kansas' comment and it copied her name.?

Swan zoom

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 Free Bird
by nancers
Created September 06, 2006
48 votes   1 comments
800w x 576h (123KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  3
humor  0
idea  1
theme  5

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