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New fashion Sofa
New fashion Sofa
Please take a look at my work here: [img]

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Soze Soze
ece ece
Micose Micose
lol, ididn't know u put names for each layer, im feeling so messy some times. Back to your work here : excellently true blending :)
Crowned Crowned
Kevi Kevi
mrchili mrchili
Sliver Sliver
naming layers.. reminds me of me hahaha!! nice work claudio!
candyart candyart
Anita Sanyal Anita Sanyal
marcoballistic marcoballistic
you do this so well Claudio, brilliant
billtvshow billtvshow
creatrix creatrix
well done
andyr andyr
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
Patre Patre
Marvelously and creatively integrated and hue/saturation changes of the palm match the external source..
Vlad Vlad
Very nicely done. Painstaking tedium around the rivets eh? Doesn't everyone name layers?
Will_E_Makit Will_E_Makit
Wiz Wiz
"Super Sofa!"
rebelos rebelos
Martina Martina
dabdi56 dabdi56
dfwsusan dfwsusan
Great work!!
fixapic fixapic
claude edwards claude edwards
Do you ship International?
bigbuck bigbuck
TheShaman TheShaman
Good to know I'm not the only one to name the layers. how else do you know what that white layer that doesnt seem to have anything in it... is?
Dot Dot
great work!!
Sulemi Sulemi
very cool
vunt van pumununt vunt van pumununt
mikey mikey
Well done!
jazgraphic jazgraphic
Looks comfortable, well done!
Serps Serps
Moesey Moesey
Tesore Tesore
Denypas Denypas
fantastic work
tsitra tsitra
great idea
Mir Mir
loads of work and all very done!!
Govan Govan
buglover buglover
simple yet very perfect for this chop, great execution
j58roldan j58roldan
Great Job!
Chukn8r Chukn8r
fahimbaloch fahimbaloch
v v creative work.
point_n_click point_n_click
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Man you name ya layers...thats just so abal mate...but this chop rocks...sweet work claudy
lyaudaine lyaudaine
Cherree Cherree
Grefix Grefix
excellent work
kandinsky kandinsky
well done
Relic Oboogie Relic Oboogie
Very cool Claudio, well done.
anfa anfa
st1n3r st1n3r
Kansas Kansas
Looks like the sofa has it!
Less than Zero Less than Zero
Wow, Naming layers is the way to go huh? nah, I'll just keep hitting the eye till I find the right one
bneises bneises
ScionShade ScionShade
podgorski podgorski
Awesome awesome work! This will be a truly deserved win!


rebelos rebelos
Up for sale maybe?
claudiolky claudiolky
After the contest that sofa will go to an auction.... Please give your first call.... I can ship all arround the world and universe.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
I live on zeneth 6, we do not accept mail from residents of the milky way.... now what ya gonna do, I want this sofa lol
claudiolky claudiolky
Thanks for the votes. The auction stars.... give your call.
Micose Micose
what sort of cow is it? ....sacred cow leather ?
Heinlein Heinlein
Congrats on a well deserved win :)
Soze Soze
Congrats Claudio for your win, i' have to say that i hoped for a moment to compete with you. It was a nice sensation.
Sliver Sliver
congrats claudio, very well done!
marcoballistic marcoballistic
nice one claudio :oD

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 New fashion Sofa
by claudiolky
Created December 12, 2006
58 votes   9 comments
700w x 459h (257KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  3
execution  11
humor  0
idea  4
theme  0

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