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Some time later.
Some time later.

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Dot Dot
lancoma lancoma
annajon annajon
Granulated Granulated
TheShaman TheShaman
NikolaiDK NikolaiDK
Man With No Name Man With No Name
CarlC CarlC
mon8 mon8
Sliver Sliver
very nice.. maybe desaturate the backround a bit (suggestion)
max&roro max&roro
marcoballistic marcoballistic
love the crisp way this looks, nice one Pak
pollyO pollyO
delucx delucx
nice mood
Govan Govan
Good one;-)
Stevster Stevster
ReggieNoble2 ReggieNoble2
great composition pakimo.
Flix Flix
abraham abraham
Wiz Wiz
"Nice colour work P!"
billtvshow billtvshow
Well, the part with him riding it is pretty nice.
buglover buglover
vunt van pumununt vunt van pumununt
welan welan
Salvezza Salvezza
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
tadams tadams
Despite your refusal to satisfy my need to have the black borders removed I do want you to know that I admire the work you've done.
bigbuck bigbuck
Serps Serps
jazgraphic jazgraphic
mrchili mrchili
stive stive
Anke Anke
kat1983 kat1983
gsenthil gsenthil
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Like the wor on the man n goat, borders take from the imge. Still very vote worthy
Coeff Coeff
Ravelant Ravelant
Netwel Netwel
Heinlein Heinlein
The black border throws it off, but worth of a vote :)
yello_piggy yello_piggy
Tesore Tesore
vokaris vokaris
tree in the back looks like smoke, shouldn't be so much out of focus (compare to clouds which are much farther away)
anabrin anabrin
Mir Mir
Relic Oboogie Relic Oboogie
Nice Job! Colours and lighting are great.
Claf Claf
manic_d manic_d
beautiful image ;)
dewdew dewdew
acemanoj acemanoj
Some time later...the man shrinks and the goat says "hop on me"...hehehe. Nice chop.
podgorski podgorski
i like it
Luxwiz Luxwiz
hey,he finally taamed the goat..nice going. good idea and nice work
Micose Micose
MindGraph MindGraph
nice pakimo! well done


tadams tadams
This would look so much better without the dominating black strips.
pakimo pakimo
tadams :-)
tadams tadams
pakimo pakimo
thank you for all the votes. And also; I will keep all the tips in mind :-)

 Stubborn Goat
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 Some time later.
by pakimo
Created October 04, 2007
55 votes   4 comments
1280w x 960h (400KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  1
execution  7
humor  0
idea  2
theme  1

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