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Why So Serious? (updt)
Why So Serious? (updt)
Let’s put a smile on that face! Heres my card... And my outsides: [img] no part of the Heath Ledger Joker was used, just that background. I did all of the face paint & scars

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digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
*insert maniacal laugh here*
Cartoon Contractor Cartoon Contractor
Cool job!
Sjitske Sjitske
Cool!! ;) though hair could use a bit more work. should be longer hair sticking out instead of short spikey ;)
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Like this joker as well, could be a little darker to fit with the movie theme but sweet chopping all the same. Nice work
Mel47 Mel47
mihai_myxz mihai_myxz
nevet nevet
Persuader Persuader
yes sir - great stuff :)
Tarmac Tarmac
CarlC CarlC
I desaturate then adjust color for my "green" Is that your method as well? Nice attetion to detail (shadows etc)
anabe anabe
tadams tadams
Nice makeover! Edges of this clown could use a little more blending into the background colors.
nunosk8 nunosk8
zorda zorda
UntExp UntExp
ReyRey ReyRey
Goat1981 Goat1981
Clean work, Sean. :)
bigbuck bigbuck
Serps Serps
jonjon jonjon
Stewie4lb Stewie4lb
mike.b. mike.b.
i loved this movie ...too bad ledger is gone...i kinda have the dark night stored on my hard drive
Mir Mir
good one
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lol happy joker :)
Granulated Granulated
where's his glove ?!??!
waiswashere waiswashere
ece ece
mldvnioan mldvnioan
Beckie_Banks Beckie_Banks
Soze Soze
max&roro max&roro
Tesore Tesore
Martrex Martrex
anneronies anneronies
Claf Claf
Tonto Tonto
top 5
novartistas novartistas


TheShaman TheShaman
noted Sjitske. just don't tell him that ;)
TheShaman TheShaman
Its the scene in the warehouse. I tried to match my outside sources. Thanks Lurker!
blue_lurker blue_lurker
HAve not seen the movie mate, we here in the sticks of don't get new movies for ages mate.
TheShaman TheShaman
lurk, as soon as it comes out... GO SEE IT! well worth the money and the first born child you have to fork over brother
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Now I have seen the externals understand what ya mean mate...nice work dude
TheShaman TheShaman
thanks! and no worries. GO SEE THAT MOVIE!
CarlC CarlC
you and arc roomates????
TheShaman TheShaman
No. I think he has access to my account. LOL I've had this one done for nearly a month.
arcaico arcaico
no carl... I had this idea when the source was put in stack, talking to my sick brother, hellraiser, 30 days ago... if sean was my roomie he'd be dead by now...
TheShaman TheShaman
love you too arc.
TheShaman TheShaman
but anytime you wanna come to Chicago and try my friend... be my guest tough guy.
CarlC CarlC
you and arc enemies????
TheShaman TheShaman
I wouldn't say enemy's... well maybe he would. He just doesn't like me too much.
Azionite Azionite
's OK Sean... He's just jealous of your hair... :D
TheShaman TheShaman
I was so focused on trying to get the face paint realistic, I wasn't even thinking about gloves. But I did put some red highlights in his ring though.
TheShaman TheShaman
I've never tired to make a glove, so that will be my challenge for after this contest. I'm not making any edits to this till its over. I wanted to be stuck with what I posted. But I will be making them for sure. So please don't stop suggesting.
whySOserious whySOserious
check mine
arcaico arcaico
if ya think the paint in the face is realistic sean, you probably haven´t watched the movie, or never painted yer face white... and yes, I did paint my face white once, in a customes party, as the crow...
arcaico arcaico
and azi... I´m pretty ok with my hair... if I was to be jealous of someone, that one would be claf... the hair job on his steve carell´s entry was awesome...
TheShaman TheShaman
arc, did you read the part where I said I tried? Not everyone can be as perfect as you. Why do you have to be such a fucking bastard to me all the freakin time? do you see me crying over my placement here? or begging for votes?
TheShaman TheShaman
You want to help me fine. If you just want to nit pick every thing I do, THEN GO THE FUCK AWAY. I never in my time here have ever stated that I was any good or an expert at any of this. I'm still learning. You're not helping me at all.
arcaico arcaico
what are you complaining sean? DP thinks yer joker is better than mine... and the only reason I don´t help you, is cause when i do, you say I´m just trying to put yer work down... and I´m tired of whinings...
TheShaman TheShaman
THAT WAS OVER A FUCKING YEAR AGO. you couldn't help an old lady across the street w/o saying something mean. WHO FUCKING CARES WHAT DP thinks, thats his opinion. I told you in a PM just the other day, I was open to help. THIS IS NOT WHAT I HAD IN MIND
TheShaman TheShaman
you tried to help one time. over a year ago, when I still had an big ego about this stuff. I've since learned my lesson and seen I have a lot to still learn. I've tried to change. But you wont ever let me live that down. so either help, or fuck off dude
arcaico arcaico
correction: I STILL can´t help an old lady crossing the street without being mean...
TheShaman TheShaman
exactly. so since you don't want to help, and you just want to make rude comments all the time towards me, I'll ask you to refrain. I asked for help, not badgering.
arcaico arcaico
thing is you can´t take criticism sean... ya never could... you´re too sensitive for real criticism...
TheShaman TheShaman
per usual you're right arc. but see your criticism is "fuck you're ugly and you're fucking fat!" still others would say, "hey try this makeup, and maybe try these exercises".
TheShaman TheShaman
so if you know i'm sensitive why do you play with my mind? does it make you feel better at night? Why can't you be civil? Thats all I ask. I can take you need to try doing this or that. I cannot take the hatred that spews from your mouth
TheShaman TheShaman
correction: I cant take your criticism. I've taken plenty of advice from plenty of other people at this site. Cause they know how to be nice and not be a rude bastard. theres absolutely no need for it. awesome! now I have more comments than votes! :D
arcaico arcaico
I was way more rude on teaman in that thread and he didn´t cry...
TheShaman TheShaman
Thats justification for your actions? Hardly. Good day to you sir.
Tonto Tonto
pale face shaman not have peace pipe
TheShaman TheShaman
since we're sharing .psd's
TheShaman TheShaman
OK months after the comp is already over, I went back to try and fix some of the mistakes made. I feel this is much better now. Thanks everyone for the suggestions and support.

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 Why So Serious? (updt)
by TheShaman
Created August 06, 2008
38 votes   35 comments
1000w x 750h (498KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  2
execution  1
humor  0
idea  3
theme  1

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