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Fishermen Never Quit
Fishermen Never Quit
Zoom in to check out ice. Thanks for chopping. ;o)

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TheShaman TheShaman
nat_g31 nat_g31
way 2 rally the troops;)
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
pollyO pollyO
DaVinci DaVinci
kiikerce kiikerce
Govan Govan
Great work;-)
Nice one Rey.
dewking dewking
Eve Eve
brrrrr! Cool
carmine665 carmine665
Superior execution and idea as usual.
Super Greek Super Greek
good show
gramps gramps
Sjitske Sjitske
Rey spill it! time for a ice tut! looking cool....litterly ;P
sirenka sirenka
mikey mikey
You know I'm kidding Rey! lol! Your the best brother congrats! :) amazing work.
rockyjob rockyjob
Joking with you bud. pretty nice job ;)
Cartoon Contractor Cartoon Contractor
Cool ice, filter or not! But would the guy actually be covered in ice. Wouldn't he have to be dead? =-)
Wiz Wiz
bigbuck bigbuck
zoli22 zoli22
Dragon Dragon
daKimmer daKimmer
spikelmalo spikelmalo
Mir Mir
real cool!!
dannyboyuk09 dannyboyuk09
Tarmac Tarmac
Frigidly Awesome Work !
buckie74 buckie74
Heinlein Heinlein
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Yep you need to make an Ice tute 2rey, this is good work but we need an ice tut.
ReinMan ReinMan
Shite. If I had $2.39 to spare, I could have gotten myself an Ice Filter and done the same shite. I can't believe all the SUCK UP VOTES you got for this piece of shite. At times like this I just hang my head... (now: hit comment button, must avoid VOTE
Nice ice... and no I dont have a stuttering problem!
pjsev pjsev
amosseow amosseow
I like it. ice effect is hard to achieve.
seelcraft seelcraft
That ice had to be hard!
Martrex Martrex
abraham abraham
jerryhami jerryhami
GhostlyJoe GhostlyJoe
UntExp UntExp
Serps Serps
vokaris vokaris
nice one
Claf Claf
Yeah Rey sucks! But easily today's hardest execution. Very nice aesthetic details, very well done but doesn't have the realistic feel... maybe need more transparencies, less contrast on certain details... less white opaque details. Excellent idea! :)
the burning couch the burning couch
what he said*!
arcaico arcaico
ok, I'll vote... but completely for pity... cause you deserved no vote for this crappy use of filter
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
My fave of the contest.
Granulated Granulated
sonic3 sonic3
YerPalAl YerPalAl
Yep, convincing


arcaico arcaico
pffft... ice filter... who are you trying to fool?
ReyRey ReyRey
Hey ya'll. Arc is telling folks not to vote for me. He's being funny. That isn't cool. If you like it, vote. If you don't, don't. We all screw around at this site but we keep the voting sacred. That should never be influenced by anything outside.
ReyRey ReyRey
Besides...He's just mad because he got voted out of the H2H......TWICE!!!! lol oww that hurt. lol
ReyRey ReyRey
Sjitske , Didn't you read what Arc wrote. It's the "Ice Filter" lol
arcaico arcaico
well... at least Í wasnīt voted off twice in a roll in the H2H like Andy... by the way, bitching in the forums was taking all of yer time for you to use the ice filter Rey?
arcaico arcaico
no need for tutorials Thijs... just use the filter... Rey can email it to you...
ReyRey ReyRey
I'll place the layered file up after the contest. ok Sjitske. There is no secret. I just studied some ice and drew what I thought it would look like. Especially ice covered branches.
ReyRey ReyRey
Dick lol
arcaico arcaico
Rey just PMed me asking me not to tell people he used the ice filter anymore... shame on you Rey... itīs not my fault you didnīt have time to chop and decided to go the easy way.
arcaico arcaico
And nobody will fall for yer layered crap... itīs obvious you used the filter and then separated the result in layers so people can think you actually painted it. That was low Rey...
ReyRey ReyRey
What filter do you use Arc? The "make it crappy" filter? hahahahaha
arcaico arcaico
everyone that knows me knows I use only the filters tha come with PS... like liquify, blur, etc... Rey... why are you so ashamed for using an external filter?? Lots of people who canīt chop do that... no need to be ashamed...
ReyRey ReyRey
All crappy filters are made in Brazil
arcaico arcaico
someone is getting tempered...
arcaico arcaico
hey Rey... just out of curiosity... was the ice filter expensive??
ReyRey ReyRey
arcaico arcaico
did you buy it on ebay? In the official site ya sent me the link is more expensive...
ReyRey ReyRey
Sorry. That is for PC. I only use Mac. I wonder what it looks like though. It doesn't have any pics on it's web site. hmmmm?
arcaico arcaico
you saying there is another ice filter around? Come on Rey... why donīt ya quit being selfish and send us the link for the filter you used?
arcaico arcaico
wow... itīs the first time i see a ReyRey entry with more comments than votes... maybe if you hadnīt used an ice filter that wouldnīt happen Rey... :lol:
mikey mikey
way over rated
arcaico arcaico
I agree with mikey... this is overvoted... itīs just a filter after all... never thought rey would have the guts to try to fool everyone but...
rockyjob rockyjob
Reyrey said:"What filter do you use Arc? The "make it crappy" filter? hahahahaha" By saying that you are basically saying that Arc NEEDS a filter to make a crappy entry, is it not?
ReyRey ReyRey
arcaico arcaico
of course I need a filter to make it crap... everyone knows my entries have pure awesomeness on them!! Itīs needed a filter to make them crappy... but I donīt use filters for ice though... oh well...
blue_lurker blue_lurker
With those bloody jumping up and down avatar and them bouncing boobies god help any epileptics that pop in
mikey mikey
I'm feeling a little dizzy! did I take my anti convulsant today? :O
ReinMan ReinMan
DAMN! I didn't mean to VOTE for this Over Filtered SHITE! I really really REALLY wanted to just COMMENT but then, just as I was going to hit the COMMENT button we had a minor earthquake here and my hand jiggled and I ACCIDENTALLY hit the VOTE button! :
ReinMan ReinMan
Claf Claf
Shit I pushed the vote button... what can I add... I was saying excellent idea but it sucks... as usual. I thought badly made but hard execution... but I heard now that it was just a cheap filter. F*#!n sh*t!!...
Claf Claf
How can a bid can stand up on a curved inclined icy surface? NO SENSE!!
Claf Claf
I meant "bird". OK it is cute but WTF!!!
Claf Claf
Your right arc... pity... so now I will calm down... sorry...
Sjitske Sjitske
Sjitske Sjitske
Sjitske Sjitske
Sjitske Sjitske
Sjitske Sjitske
Sjitske Sjitske
Sjitske Sjitske
Sjitske Sjitske
Sjitske Sjitske
Sjitske Sjitske
Sjitske Sjitske

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 Fishermen Never Quit
by ReyRey
Created June 04, 2009
49 votes   44 comments
1258w x 959h (505KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  13
humor  0
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