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unspoken secrets...
unspoken secrets...
... in a sound proof world. had fun with this one. head with texture and foam done in lightwave. mouth buckle, cutpaste internet eyes, handle, forehead plate barcode done in photoshop.

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yello_piggy yello_piggy
Kansas Kansas
Flippin amazing.. Wow.. Why did it take this contest for you to knock it out of the park 3 times in a row! You are incredible!
cafn8d cafn8d
This is awesome, Beet! GOSH DARN YOU!! You're STILL on FIRE!!
billtvshow billtvshow
bsoholic bsoholic
nancers nancers
jad3 jad3
marcoballistic marcoballistic
stunning Beet, really creative entry, like it alot
kentq kentq
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
very there's something different
karell karell
magnific! :>)
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
volkswes volkswes
Gort Gort
beautiful work!
mikey mikey
Fantastic! ~
rashdog rashdog
hacky hacky
incredible. What's lightwave?
moosa moosa
Caldera Caldera
This is awesome, I like this type of picture (texture replacement, overlays). Damn good effect and the best I've seen so far today.
the202 the202
Azionite Azionite
already been said... great, great job!
Eve Eve
vunt van pumununt vunt van pumununt
fan-bleeep-tastic! this is my favourite. great chopping Beet!
hellraiser hellraiser
Synthvet Synthvet
very cool!
Vlad Vlad
Totally excellent for sure.
Heinlein Heinlein
Nice use of source
bluefist bluefist
supak0ma supak0ma
Micose Micose
TheShaman TheShaman
personally, this should be in the lead. Way more effort vote
FootFungas FootFungas
kooi kooi
reminds me of hannibal
seamusoisin seamusoisin
presunto presunto
good job
Persuader Persuader
wow!! seriously executed and very very original and creative - my fave today! =)
ReyRey ReyRey
Very creative and well done
olive olive
excellent! :-)
nyxxie nyxxie
bigbuck bigbuck
claudiolky claudiolky
Serps Serps
jefflang007 jefflang007
mightybeet is just a nancers alias i'm thinking. she planned this contest all along......nice work on the face shape!
Da_Dude Da_Dude
hungry hungry
Nice one Beet
screwloose screwloose
Very Cool!
j58roldan j58roldan
Cambria Cambria
One of your best! I love the soundproofing background. Awesome chop
AlmostPerfect AlmostPerfect
brilliantly amazing
blue_lurker blue_lurker
yep skill, talent, execution wheres Beet and who are you. Very nice work mate and so well done, one of your best...all she needs is some shoulder pads.
sage sage
Goat1981 Goat1981
Best in show!
Meeshoo Klan Meeshoo Klan
Elena Elena
woodie woodie
deshone deshone
talex talex
RiccardoS RiccardoS
flyman flyman
L@rue L@rue
Motorhead Motorhead
Fantastic work!
leif leif
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
Weird. I agree with UZ. This type of work needs to be done more (I just don't know how to do it). Great transform beet!
jerry717 jerry717
xovlov xovlov
I agree w/ leif
1337hax0r 1337hax0r
never agree w/ leif...he's an asshole
arcaico arcaico
nice making business with you beet... hax, you´re a moron... I bet you´d vote for me if I had put a chastity belt on a starfish!!!
wendysmurfie wendysmurfie
i didn't vote yet. this is awesome, must be hard to do and a lot of time,.. yup i vote for ya twice! oh.. i cant.
rockprinzess rockprinzess
Very cool... very clean... great work!!! =)
anfa anfa
Very cool! :)
Wett Wett
askerai askerai
Showcase Showcase
WOOOOO TEAM BLAH BLAH BLAH! whatever. :) nice chop.
Lrossa Lrossa
mupshur mupshur
clonestamp trooper clonestamp trooper
well done
Roppa Roppa
very nice
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
My second favorite of the contest.
Krank Krank
nav nav
Michel Michel
Lotsa work here. Good wrapping of the texture, I haven't learned how to do that yet!
ScionShade ScionShade
delucx delucx
Claf Claf
Very nice work! :)


mightybeet mightybeet
thanks uhZen :}+}
mightybeet mightybeet thanks evaryone!!!
mikey mikey
Extra good mightybeet! ~ Congrats! ~
mightybeet mightybeet
haw... have to use shoulder pads in a chop...
1337hax0r 1337hax0r
nice chop beetman
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
hey, congrats on the all-time high vote-getter. you on fi-yah!
mikey mikey
You go mightybeet! ~ kick ass! ~ about time someone else gets rewarded for their photoshop skill besides the regulars! ~ congrats! ~
mightybeet mightybeet
woooooooo TEAM DISCOVERY CHANNEL!!!!... thanks everyone!!!
Eve Eve
Just an observation--Arc chose to restrict the woman's southern hemisphere and MBeet chose the northern hemi. You tryin' to tell us something?
vunt van pumununt vunt van pumununt
what feral said, and i say this one should win. all due respsect to arcaico (don't hate me arc), but this should win. great chopping beet! did i mention that this should win?
nancers nancers
HAH Eve, I didn't think of it that way, but you are RIGHT. Hrmph!
arcaico arcaico
hey... eve, nancy... he's offending the women... I'm just protecting them!!!
mightybeet mightybeet
not from seagulls... arc
mikey mikey
Kansas Kansas
I think it would be so cool if you won.. you have always been such a gracious person and a pleasure to deal with... I shall send you lots of positve energy and well wishes... Good luck!
Kansas Kansas
Besides I just looked and this would be your first win!! How can you not cheer for the underdog here folks! Go go go!! I'm with Mikey on this one!
arcaico arcaico
besides, the brazilian guy is a bad person! Don't vote for him! Right beet? ;)
Kansas Kansas
Well if you are going to volunteer that information.... that's a personal choice Arc! :/
arcaico arcaico
...that we all know it's true Kansas. Are we still talking about chops or choppers? ;)
Kansas Kansas
Ok ARC.. If you are going to say my comments are Gay in the chat and make fun of how I vote Then yeah... I agree that the Brazillian guy is a bad person. It's completely uncalled for. I think MIghty Beet kicked butt here and I was encouraging him.
Kansas Kansas
It's no different then when I PM'd you and told you what an excellent job you did and instead of being gracious you just snapped at me and said if I thought it was that good where's your vote.
Kansas Kansas
You made it impossible for me to be encouraging when you pick apart everything I do. I don't care what you think anymore.. and to think I did. Sorry Mightybeet.. but I really liked your stuff. Sorry this happened on your post... But so be it!
arcaico arcaico
you gotta treat yer nerves Kansas... really! First of all, I said beet was gay for being gracious, not that your comment was gay.
arcaico arcaico
Second, I said it's stupid to vote for someone's entry because he's kind, gracious or whatever when the vote should be based on the chop itself and not who made it.
arcaico arcaico
Third... what's the point on telling someone how good their entry i and not giving a vote, being it through a comment or PM? It's kinda personal when people do that, unless they are not able to vote.
arcaico arcaico
And at last but not least, I don't care if people hate me or not. You're not the first and definetely will not be the last one. So stay in your friendship circle and enjoy your friendly votes. --
arcaico arcaico
-- Do a good chop, and I'll vote for you anyway. No matter how much ya hate me. Period. Dammit beet... now you beat me in comments too!! HA!
Eve Eve
Y'all nuts! Women are incapable of keeping secrets. He must be gay!
arcaico arcaico
Thanks Eve! Finally someone realized beet is gay!!! (beet, that may increase your votes... hope I'm doing it right buddy... lol)
Eve Eve
Not beet...the image....geesh I'm getting into trouble here, huh?
anfa anfa
Go eve! :D
arcaico arcaico
But beet IS gay... he only didn't realize that yet... after all, he's gracious... lol
Kansas Kansas
Damn Arc... Who needs to treat their nerves? I voted for Beet cause it is a damn good post. And I made a comment about him... How much clearer does that need to be for you? POST-Good PERSON -good or Gracious..2 separate issues.
Kansas Kansas
Now that you've shared with me my posts are wrong. How I make comments are wrong. If I send a PM Telling someone they did good prior to voting is wrong. Geez.What's left? You sure are a big tough guy huh.Why don't you go find a puppy to beat u
arcaico arcaico
thought you said you didn't care about what I think anymore Kansas... probably I misread it...
Kansas Kansas
Michel Michel
I feel the LOVE!
Kansas Kansas
You win! I fold. The stakes are too high for me at this point in the game.. Just tried to stand up for myself here... You are right it's not worth it.
mightybeet mightybeet
yer so silly, OMG arc... i ll give you such a PINCH!!!
arcaico arcaico
hands off that red button beet... my missiles are locked!!!!!
mightybeet mightybeet
the red button makes me strong!!!
nancers nancers
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
Wow, I've never seen so many comments on an entry. Kick his ass, Kansas! >_> Nice win, Mr. Beet.
billtvshow billtvshow
This was one of the most deserved wins I've seen here in awhile. The way that you maintained the crispness of the texture while warping it so much is fantastic! Completely top notch.
mightybeet mightybeet
thanks everyone for your votes and kind words of support!!!!
Mallika Jain Mallika Jain
nicely arrange

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 unspoken secrets...
by mightybeet
Created February 23, 2006
85 votes   50 comments
550w x 600h (124KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  2
execution  21
humor  0
idea  7
theme  5

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