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Surefire Winner
Surefire Winner
1 Change Setting 2 Be Funny 3 Liquify! 4 Add Stuff 5 Remove Stuff 6 Desaturize 7Vectorize 8 Marcoize 9 Achieve Self-Awareness 10 Cocky Text

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yello_piggy yello_piggy
haha, "marcoize"!
FootFungas FootFungas
Heinlein Heinlein
Nice one
mere_artist mere_artist
funny... I think you have the marcoize filter on a low setting, not enough gore
TheShaman TheShaman
lol mere
bsoholic bsoholic
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
seamusoisin seamusoisin
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
bigbuck bigbuck
This is great!
delucx delucx
lol, great!
Gort Gort
Vlad Vlad
Finally a template I can use.
thatbobguy thatbobguy
Ya nailed it!
mikey mikey
LOL! ~
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
HAHAHA "marcoize" and the text "I8PP" are funny as all get out.
Persuader Persuader
wow - this is so much creative - love the composition and colors - very well done Tiff =)
Eve Eve
anabrin anabrin
Ha! Funny and well done
dbbowling dbbowling
clantoncs clantoncs
You have a very good Marco style. Looks just like his work! This is hilarious.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
a ha ha haaa Marcoize, prepare that to be a filter in CS3 lmao, this is great Tiff, love it, very different and original idea
Michel Michel
Desaturize? Never heard of that one. Cocky text? You forgot to mention cocky shorts.
Micose Micose
YOU genius girl
Spritle Spritle
Friggin' hilarious!
karell karell
excellent :>)
rashdog rashdog
that's great!
jalfaro jalfaro
weird, yet traumatically intriguing- reminds me of a French movie I saw once...cant remember the name...
Serps Serps
Cambria Cambria
Good advice!
screwloose screwloose
ha! cool!
goboo goboo
nubie nubie
hey this is the best tut I have seen....excellent!!!!!!!!
Kansas Kansas
woodie woodie
*=J=* *=J=*
haha, fantastic
Meeshoo Klan Meeshoo Klan
claudiolky claudiolky
incredible work....completely different from others...GREAT
Grefix Grefix
Derivatix Derivatix
good one!
<senzotaku> <senzotaku>
wendysmurfie wendysmurfie
LOL, very nice chop.
blue_lurker blue_lurker
sweet work
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
jerry717 jerry717
Nuttdriver Nuttdriver
Krank Krank
Wett Wett
awesome Authenticity Execution Humor Idea Theme and of course Other! :D
Caldera Caldera
Lots of work vote
billtvshow billtvshow
anfa anfa
Hahahahaha, you nutter! :D
Claf Claf
cafn8d cafn8d


Queen La Tiff Queen La Tiff
not featured: social/political commentary
Eve Eve
This is brilliant. So true! Missed that comment on my vote, Queen!
cher6877 cher6877
Spritle Spritle
Queen, lace up those sneakers and run out of town!
Eve Eve
Not gross, Cher6877, it's called parody! :)
=Zak= =Zak=

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 Surefire Winner
by Queen La Tiff
Queen La Tiff
Created March 12, 2006
53 votes   6 comments
550w x 550h (121KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  1
execution  5
humor  20
idea  3
theme  1

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