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Photoshop Contest Head to Head Tournament 2011
Eepi vs Grefix
winner! votes round compare to
Grefix 75 Round #3 original
Winning Image

Voting Details
Lord David Lord David
deshone deshone
i like it !
Takser3 Takser3
annajon annajon
idea vote
nevet nevet
Dechene Dechene
cute factor, love the blocks in the air too
Napalm32 Napalm32
ReinMan ReinMan
BOth are neat entries. This one, though, has got a fun energetic feel and I like the way the plastic BBQ is used so well in the concept.
Netwel Netwel
great job on the perspective. well done
supak0ma supak0ma
GO! i don't get the other idea and it seems out of context with the background. Some execution problems here, better tho
bud1121 bud1121
both good but this one is more fun to me
Krank Krank
Patre Patre
Luckdeezybb22 Luckdeezybb22
ElectronChaser ElectronChaser
This one is very cute.
Rangizzz Rangizzz
DaVinci DaVinci
Heinlein Heinlein
Both are good, but I like how the toy car was used in this comp.
kevindey kevindey
billtvshow billtvshow
I didn't actually flip a coin, but that's about as close as I've come. Both would have won in many other matches. Insane effort on both of your parts. In the end, the effort on all of the sides of those blocks barely wins me over. Also nice usage of the face toy as the car.
Eepi Eepi
Cute :)
Tad Tad
Both equally good.
monkeytwig monkeytwig
screwloose screwloose
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
I don't quite get the other one, but I like this.
gramps gramps
Jake420 Jake420
nice a bit to much blur imo but still gets my vote good job on the other different background would have changed my vote
digimagicnb digimagicnb
both good; this one's got the cute baby factor, plus I like how there's blocks in action
Eve Eve
delia delia
Swarhzonov Swarhzonov
Tommeken Tommeken
difficult choice! i love them both but gotta choose and i choose this one :)
the202 the202
serious serious
nifft nifft
this one
NButler NButler
A close call, but this one won out for me.
stroban stroban
Martrex Martrex
metalic metalic
Zetape Zetape
Tesore Tesore
Both cool!
nat_g31 nat_g31
Super hard to vote for. . . This entry is fun and very well done. I love the other too so this really is just a coin flip. Nice job to both of you!
gravyboat gravyboat
the burning couch the burning couch
bogsy bogsy
Ammorio Ammorio
bsoholic bsoholic
MikeDascola MikeDascola
Cartoon Contractor Cartoon Contractor
Pearcinator Pearcinator
I like the smoke effects in this one. The other one is pretty good too but I dont get it.
abraham abraham
dsclink dsclink
Synthvet Synthvet
Meeshoo Klan Meeshoo Klan
my son vote :)
thbeghin thbeghin
blindgod blindgod
great work!
16ozBud 16ozBud
Robiin33 Robiin33
tpsimer tpsimer
Better idea, much harder to make work, very nice
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
I have no words other than these eight
xovlov xovlov
dbbowling dbbowling
lol :)
anabe anabe
buglover buglover
both good. narrow race.
Sanctuary Sanctuary
hehe. great idea
Mel47 Mel47
woodie woodie
bneises bneises
Claf Claf
Idea vote! Nice use of the smiley toy. But the other image has a better execution...
tdiddy tdiddy
Dream_weaver Dream_weaver
I really like the overall use of the source here.
betdoval betdoval
cafn8d cafn8d
Salvezza Salvezza
L@rue L@rue

author votes round compare to
Eepi 59 Round #3 original

Voting Details
bc2013 bc2013
Designed2522 Designed2522
Wow, this is a tough choice.... I love the work on both of them, however I like the perspective work on this one!!! Both are great entries!!!
Hagen Hagen
I really like this...! Great work...! Excellent render...! +1
volkswes volkswes
jasper jasper
locxoul locxoul
dewking dewking
mikey mikey
2 Great entries here!
charliesou charliesou
Sliver Sliver
Love it.. does she fit in there..? really!
Ivan Roujev Ivan Roujev
seelcraft seelcraft
Both are great compositions. This integrates the pieces much more realistically.
anfa anfa
tadams tadams
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Man this is so hard. Like them both, both have very good qualities that I like so it ended up being, for me...the extra detail in this one. Damn fine work from you both
vokaris vokaris
mixauskas mixauskas
Trann Trann
The other seems a bit disconnected: blur is off, focal length issues, size perspectives. The cube fort here could be set into a better background to match the two point perspective better.
StoneDigidy StoneDigidy
koorio koorio
very beautiful
jonjon jonjon
crmzendrgone crmzendrgone
Again I like them both but this looks real to me.
badcop badcop
YerPalAl YerPalAl
Both great images, but I like the humor in this one better
HienTran HienTran
zoli22 zoli22
Gort Gort
roger1 roger1
one of the tougher ones to vote in... i think this beats out for idea alone!
ReyRey ReyRey
TheShaman TheShaman
sirenka sirenka
sonic3 sonic3
Again i like both entries, i like the detail in this.
captainSMITTY11 captainSMITTY11
on the other one the blur on the pyramid is far to strong for the sorry i just couldnt stop staring at it
jcfreak6363 jcfreak6363
Grefix Grefix
Very clean work, nice one. Good luck :)
gsenthil gsenthil
Oscar Oscar
edovan edovan
pakimo pakimo
drybie drybie
Nice touches. Well done
Goat1981 Goat1981
Everything seems to match better on this image. I love the construction of the block, though the feet confuse me a bit (doing the 'nasty'?). The other image was a lot of effort and the result was very nice. What made me decide against it: lighting inconsistencies (child is strongly lit, car is not), inconsistency in the external's resolution (clouds are very low res), and inconsistency in depth of field (clouds and hill in the background are relatively 'clear' compared to blurred out blocks in relatively the same area. The composition, idea, and work on the flying blocks are very good, however...making this a tough choice. Nice work on both.
glennhanna glennhanna
tough, this is beautifully executed. The other is adventurous and may have forced too much to happen
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
Both neat, but this one a bit more so.
GhostlyJoe GhostlyJoe
GuidedByPandas GuidedByPandas
Not quite sure what is going on here but gets my vote for superior image quality.
aman aman
block castle :) good job...
x,sylvia x,sylvia
UntExp UntExp
Sh!Za Sh!Za
Azionite Azionite
bogonet bogonet
Sleepyeyed Sleepyeyed
Tough choice. Liked the execution on this one.
j58roldan j58roldan
rockyjob rockyjob
Tea Man Tea Man
this just looks a lot cleaner and more appealing
Mir Mir

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