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Wabbit Season.
Wabbit Season.
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kooi kooi
i really like your cartoon/real entry's, go ahead!!!
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
My Favorite!
Sulemi Sulemi
I like it!!!
Grefix Grefix
beautifully done, that's the least I can say. looks like real 3d characters.
bigbuck bigbuck
buglover buglover
TheShaman TheShaman
shoot him first, or wait till you get home?... SHOOT ME NOW! SHOOT ME NOW! geebus anfa.. above and beyond. people must click the sources, this is the winner
GrampZ GrampZ
mason4300 mason4300
At first I thought " no way, a cut-&-paste is in 1st?" Then I saw the name "Anfa" displayed under the chop, and knew there must be more to it. Sure enough, I was treated to a cool demonstration of great photoshop skills when I looked at the sources.
ece ece
Govan Govan
claudiolky claudiolky
Simply a Masterpiece.... Pro work!!!!!
karell karell
waouu :>) cute
Michel Michel
At first I thought " no way, a cut-&-paste is in 1st?" Then I saw the name "Anfa" displayed under the chop, and knew there must be more to it. Sure enough, I was treated to a cool demonstration of great photoshop skills when I looked at the sources. ;)
Relic Oboogie Relic Oboogie
Caldera Caldera
This is awesome ... along the lines of your creepy coupe entry (to continue the cartoon theme)
Stevster Stevster
I bet this was a fun chop, you really brought these flat cartoon characters to life!! Good one Anfa
ReyRey ReyRey
Terriffic Anfa!!!
sipher69 sipher69
anfa perfect
Kansas Kansas
Dude you are crazy good! I should not have looked at the sources...My blown mind is all over my desk
telefotoguy telefotoguy
Awesome Work!!!!
Gort Gort
just awesome...
arcaico arcaico
Heinlein Heinlein
A sure winner!
delucx delucx
yup! 8)
bx3800 bx3800
I think the racoon should have gotten the same treatment, because it is a different look:. but shite!!! this is just so friggin goood:.
mikey mikey
powerpraise100 powerpraise100
wow this is great I love the texture on bugs and daffy duck
Eve Eve
Nice one!
Micose Micose
u kick asses as always Anfa
CarlC CarlC
Anfa -Amazing entry (still like the boots though)
Beowulf Agat Beowulf Agat
Well done Anfa!
Denypas Denypas
very good
monkeytwig monkeytwig
nooby nooby
winner 4 me :)
Krank Krank
Way cool!
Goat1981 Goat1981
This is just superb... Great work on the cartoon characters.
Melusky Melusky
The excellence of execution
dschingis dschingis
extremely fine use of source! (I guess this one took a lot of time...)
pacoperez pacoperez
Joder!!!! (sorry for my spanish expression, but I just see the sources, and it's amazing) Probably, the best entry that I've ever seen. And I've seen a lot of we say in spanish....COJONUDO, TÍO!!! ;)
ScionShade ScionShade
Evelyn Evelyn
jad3 jad3
Designed2522 Designed2522
AlmostPerfect AlmostPerfect
screwloose screwloose
You Rock!
Will_E_Makit Will_E_Makit
not too shabby.......just playin.......FREAKIN AWESOME JOB!...Sorry, didn't mean to shout :)
bsoholic bsoholic
Gregularguy Gregularguy
Awesome art and ideas!
lyaudaine lyaudaine
Cambria Cambria
you Wascally Anfa
Serps Serps
:) Love it
olvidame olvidame
this is the best cartoon integraton i have ever seen here. stunning.
Mir Mir
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
I think Elmer looks the best. To quote him "Hohwee Quap! This is weewee good!"
Merlin Merlin
better than the original !
3rian 3rian
rashdog rashdog
rock on...great job!
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
L@rue L@rue
juanpablo juanpablo
the burning couch the burning couch
always impressed , anfa! BEAUTY!
Claf Claf
Cool! :)


digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
It's just purty. Dig the feet on Bugs. And the detail on Elmer is WOW! And Daffy's arms...I mean...SHEESH!
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
I think I had this scene on one those old View Master slides from the 70's...with the 3 dimensional effect...
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Well, I say he DOES have to shoot me now...SO SHOOT ME NOW!!!
TheShaman TheShaman
lol dp, one of my favorite episodes
mason4300 mason4300
They kind of steal the scene from the raccoon, don't they? :)
Grefix Grefix
racoon? what racoon? where racoon? :p
karell karell
I AGREE MICHEL, true : i see the sources :>O
ReyRey ReyRey
You've got too much time on your hands my friend. :0) Just looking for all the right sources must have taken hours. Don't you work? Hobbies? something else? No? That's ok. We are glad you have no life. We will all have a party when you reach 1
ReyRey ReyRey
(my words got cut off) I was trying to say, We will all have a party when you reach 100 wins! (probably next month some time!) P.S. I hate you! :0)
ReyRey ReyRey
By the way... It's wabbit season! Next week it's Anfa season! Hahahahahaha (evil laugh)
downward spiral downward spiral
Wow, I took a quick look at this one earlier and didn't even catch the detail. Then after I saw all the votes I looked again and checked out your sources. You've done an INCREDIBLE job! A+++
Michel Michel
Wow, I took a quick look at this one earlier and didn't even catch the detail. Then after I saw all the votes I looked again and checked out your sources. You've done an INCREDIBLE job! ;)
anfa anfa
I never understand the "You've got too much time on your hands" comments. If you have Advantage you can work on your chop when you want or when you have time. This one took a few sessions to get done. I could have done 3 chops! :p
marcoballistic marcoballistic
fu*k me running, I am late by a mile, but like to catch up on what I've missed, and jesus riding the wheel of death, this is absolutely, unbelievably, supertastically amazingly creative Anf, brilliant brilliant brilliant
Micose Micose
lol Anfa
Micose Micose
yep, that is a weird comment.
Michel Michel
did marco forget to vote?
Micose Micose
marco is taking having beers with me...nah...he's working on "Spring of The Dead" with G.Romero.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
this was f**kin' robbed (shakes head)
Rangizzz Rangizzz
Awesome :) fav'd

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 Wabbit Season.
by anfa
Created July 26, 2006
64 votes   21 comments
900w x 675h (385KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  2
execution  16
humor  2
idea  1
theme  1

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