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The skirt is made from the airplane and the airplane is made... uh... yup! External sources: Arms and legs from this girl: [img]

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TheShaman TheShaman
OMG! awesome!
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Very nice
Mir Mir
FootFungas FootFungas
LeLe LeLe
nice job
Sliver Sliver
bigbuck bigbuck
ScottyMiami ScottyMiami
yello_piggy yello_piggy
CarlC CarlC
Gort Gort
Megpowergirl Megpowergirl
Govan Govan
Hahaha!!nice job!!
Kansas Kansas
Eve Eve
HAHAHA! I love it!!!
Crowned Crowned
marcoballistic marcoballistic
I think we have a winner, superb Fempie, and I mean really really superb
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
Cute theme. Almost Rockwell-like in a way.
DigitalThug DigitalThug
speedial speedial
Cute stuff
jasper jasper
philgos philgos
a good idea vote ! :)
isnangel isnangel
point_n_click point_n_click
This is Great!
Stevster Stevster
Will_E_Makit Will_E_Makit
Norman would be proud!
Serps Serps
:) Nice
ScionShade ScionShade
screwloose screwloose
great work! ( as usual )
dumbat dumbat
excellent idea and well done
Less than Zero Less than Zero
Heinlein Heinlein
Micose Micose
Wiz Wiz
"Very Norman Rockwell!" Well Done!
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
great work femp
Derivatix Derivatix
Hoops Henderson Hoops Henderson
billtvshow billtvshow
mikey mikey
Azionite Azionite
very nice! I had this exact idea, you did great with it!
Claf Claf
Cool! Very nice! :)
vokaris vokaris
Very nice - like coming from a child's book. I'm not too sold on the shadows though - use the original for reference
Relic Oboogie Relic Oboogie
Brilliant idea and perfect use of source plane. Great one fempie.
Eepi Eepi
musicsoulpeace musicsoulpeace
Killer Job...Creative!
Krank Krank
bsoholic bsoholic
Sassy Sassy
centurius centurius
the burning couch the burning couch
Yep, Love it*!*
Sulemi Sulemi
gravyboat gravyboat
L@rue L@rue
MindGraph MindGraph
excellent fempie! My favorite!!


DKCdesigns DKCdesigns
This is too clever, great work
Sliver Sliver
Added as a Favorite!
Eve Eve
I added it as a fave too! GO GIRL!!!
bigbuck bigbuck
This was the best entry IMO and really should have won....
marcoballistic marcoballistic
I 100% can not believe this did not run away with this comp. I mean its in the realms in my opinion, of genius use of source. One of those images you only see once in a while and instantly go, 'my god, that is just so damn clever'.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
Soryy that this not only didn't win, but not even in the top 3....madness I say. Awesome creative thinking in every meaning of the words Fempie.
fempie fempie
@Bigbuck & Marco... so sweet and sporty your reactions! I appreciate your comments very much. Thanks to all voters and the comments.. :)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
no probs Femp, the truth is the truth as they say............. still really want to know who 'they' are though :oD

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by fempie
Created October 09, 2006
56 votes   8 comments
625w x 533h (100KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  1
execution  8
humor  2
idea  6
theme  2

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