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Shall I ?... ok... All Source! :P Click to *smell* the flowers!

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Granulated Granulated
utterly fantastic work
Evelyn Evelyn
Kansas Kansas
dfwsusan dfwsusan
Love it!!!
kentq kentq
very nice
billtvshow billtvshow
BroChris BroChris
Govan Govan
ReyRey ReyRey
Claf Claf
Mmmm... needs some votes! Nice! :)
Gort Gort
andyr andyr
like this!!
CarlC CarlC
Patre Patre
Simple and elegant design,Fempie..Great work on the shadows...
rashdog rashdog
nicely done
marcoballistic marcoballistic
what can I say.... whoa, the idea alone is fantastic......just wow
Eve Eve
Took me awhile to realize you used the plant's veins...exceptional chop, Fempie!
bigbuck bigbuck
Soze Soze
vunt van pumununt vunt van pumununt
beautifull fem!
Melusky Melusky
very nice
MindGraph MindGraph
really like this and great execution! Cool image!
Serps Serps
Will_E_Makit Will_E_Makit
Benito Benito
good idea and well executed. Nice one.
paraselene paraselene
yello_piggy yello_piggy
irgum irgum
very nice
L@rue L@rue
monkeytwig monkeytwig
very good, original and all nice things :)
volkswes volkswes
verry likey yer thinkin on this
Vlad Vlad
I really like this change.
vokaris vokaris
Very very nice. I would also wash out the background with a white gradient and blur the shadow as it goes back.
this is clever! didn't even cross my mind.
philgos philgos
I like these little red flowers ! :)
Hal23 Hal23
Hi, nice idea
Azionite Azionite
ooooh, I like it!
velocity velocity
jimmy51 jimmy51
Very good, interesting idea. Love the shadows.
Less than Zero Less than Zero
This is pretty wild..A+ job.
mikey mikey
Fragile" and subtle, nice work!
bsoholic bsoholic
very nice!
thbeghin thbeghin
DKCdesigns DKCdesigns
Goat1981 Goat1981
Netwel Netwel
nancers nancers
dumbat dumbat
oregongal oregongal
Really wonderful. Vote Idea
Lord David Lord David
gravyboat gravyboat
ScionShade ScionShade


Crowned Crowned
nice. why the pedicel is not as dark as the petiole? I also think that the background is taking away some magic...
fempie fempie
Thanks for your comment crowned. I choose on purpose to leave the leaf ;) as much as possible as it was in the original pic. The little uh.. (where the flowers are on) was that dark. So.. .on purpose. But did you anyway *smell* them already ?
fempie fempie
VUNT!!! HI! Missed you! stay around a little while will you!?

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by fempie
Created November 01, 2006
52 votes   3 comments
800w x 600h (127KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  3
execution  10
humor  0
idea  10
theme  0

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