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Rocky Road Addiction
Rocky Road Addiction
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Dot Dot
Heinlein Heinlein
Stevster Stevster
clean chop...
Evelyn Evelyn
much uglier!
Govan Govan
Excellent ;-)
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Cujo Vote!
Mir Mir
billtvshow billtvshow
wondrous details!
candyart candyart
Micose Micose
jesus christ!
seamusoisin seamusoisin
Nice pet!
behind blue eyes behind blue eyes
Ugly bitch;) but nice work!
Sliver Sliver
well executed.. ugly mf!
mikey mikey
LOL! fantasticly done Claf! wow!
kooi kooi
Alex Alex
Less than Zero Less than Zero
Very ugly one Claf.. :)
nevet nevet
hahahahahahahahaha brilliant!
Michel Michel
You shouldn't give your dog chocolate, it's bad for their teeth and the marshmallow makes their fur fall off.
dabdi56 dabdi56
very good
claudiolky claudiolky
Golden Medal...congrat's
DaVinci DaVinci
Wow! Excellent chop Claf! Ha I know that dog, he was the ugliest dog alive or something but he died last year! Anyway, good job here!
roy Green roy Green
delucx delucx
sweet! ;)
NButler NButler
KnieK KnieK
Good God! Uh....WTF!
Granulated Granulated
fun and nice attention to detail (most would not bother flipping the dog image..well done dude)...the dog was called Sam. I made up some t-shirts last year.
Wiz Wiz
"Looks Like a typical Aussie 'Ute Dog' (Read Pick-Up Truck for Ute). Cute little buggers if you walk past one in a WalMart Carpark!" LOL!
supak0ma supak0ma
stop chopping and grab your board
Crowned Crowned
lol, is he going to a ski resort?
Azionite Azionite
That is one ugly dog!!
TheShaman TheShaman
awesome Claf
anabrin anabrin
vokaris vokaris
marcoballistic marcoballistic
respect, you ugly bastard dog lol
creatrix creatrix
Look! It's Sam! The world's ugliest dog looks in mirrors???
cherylm329 cherylm329
Whoa! That caught me off guard, haha :P
Goat1981 Goat1981
Your PS skills are frightening. :-I
Netwel Netwel
awesome chop
nifft nifft
tremendous work
Luxwiz Luxwiz
Ha! cool chop Claf... but who's taking the foto?oops sorry I asked...easy boy,good dog! photographer irrelevant! :-)
Eve Eve
LOL! Classic!
rebelos rebelos
Tesore Tesore
Will_E_Makit Will_E_Makit
I want my mommy!!!!!
kazzius kazzius
I wonder if it´s a british road... This dog has a drive license?? hahaha Good JoB! I love this work and this dog!
FootFungas FootFungas
Relic Oboogie Relic Oboogie
Perfect Claf.
Denypas Denypas
the best
ray42shop ray42shop
Some mean dog you got there. Love it!
bigbuck bigbuck
mupshur mupshur
Soze Soze
This is superb. Fantastic work
tadams tadams
Lovely cracks.
point_n_click point_n_click
the burning couch the burning couch's a Clafsic*!*
ece ece
Kansas Kansas
I saw the ugliest dog competition on TLC... I think he was in the competition!
Carcarlo Carcarlo
Serps Serps
Good work
yello_piggy yello_piggy
nyxxie nyxxie
st1n3r st1n3r
screwloose screwloose
rashdog rashdog
podgorski podgorski
haha, this is too good
Luckdeezybb22 Luckdeezybb22
gravyboat gravyboat


matO matO
Awesome! Can´t vote yet, but if I could... =)
Claf Claf
Here's PSD file:
marcoballistic marcoballistic
congrats Claferino :o)
Heinlein Heinlein
Congrats! This is Awesome!
Soze Soze
Congratz Claf , this was great
anabrin anabrin
Congrats! Really a great entry.
Claf Claf
Thanks everybody! :)
Micose Micose
a model of chop.
dabdi56 dabdi56
Granulated Granulated
well done mate
mikey mikey
One of the best chops ever!!! lol! I tried to add it to my favorites twice" d'oh!
cafn8d cafn8d
AAACK!! Can't believe I missed voting for this contest! This is an awesome chop! Great job! :D
tadams tadams
A really great entry but now it's time to put some makeup on, or a bag.
glennhanna glennhanna

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 Rocky Road Addiction
by Claf
Created February 16, 2007
68 votes   15 comments
1080w x 784h (311KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  1
execution  17
humor  4
idea  0
theme  1

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