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PS work. White smoke is the only external. PSD file:

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gsenthil gsenthil
rockyjob rockyjob
double wow!!
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
marcoballistic marcoballistic
A Calude special. magnifique
pollyO pollyO
Govan Govan
Wow wow Wow........Greeeeeat execution;-)
Sjitske Sjitske
That's some choppin' :)
nevet nevet
heh too funny (:
candron candron
very good ps work , well done
dewdew dewdew
dude that's some imagination you have there....very sweet entry.
janetdog janetdog
cool chop. would have liked it better upside down
stive stive
fritzvondefranz fritzvondefranz
Eve Eve
Elsakippy Elsakippy
Hahaaa haa LOL good work Claf :-)
mike.b. mike.b.
hahaha ...hahaha ..he looks like me when i smoke a cigar..hahaha..
seelcraft seelcraft
Fantastic! To think this was almost there in the original image!!
cherylm329 cherylm329
Kind of creepy to look at, but cool!
tadams tadams
mihai_myxz mihai_myxz
Huxa Huxa
very... handsome i should say :)
annajon annajon
kinetic_be kinetic_be
totaly awesome Claf! :)
Granulated Granulated
ahhaaaaaaa.... nice one Claude.. brilliant pro kwolly work. Grats on the win
jrcftw88 jrcftw88
:-@dolly :-@dolly
Fetamin Fetamin
Netwel Netwel
CarlC CarlC
arcaico arcaico
birdtoes birdtoes
billtvshow billtvshow
tru that tru
juleeah juleeah
geronslc geronslc
bigbuck bigbuck
n_vargaz n_vargaz
Serps Serps
:) Great
Synthvet Synthvet
ReyRey ReyRey
Brilliant!! Looks like Howard Cosell
nog nog
hahahaha wonderfully executed
shanomoo shanomoo
the burning couch the burning couch
I guess that hiatus did you some good....cause ya finally chopped sumthin worth a crap;P xD Super*!*
jazgraphic jazgraphic
You have the gift...GREAT!
malnsk malnsk
super cool or super growse....can't decide
anabe anabe
monuril84 monuril84
mellowdesign mellowdesign
solaris80 solaris80
Soze Soze
best in show
timea timea
hi hi
Tea Man Tea Man
damn nice
Martrex Martrex
anneronies anneronies
UntExp UntExp
LGyecallekim LGyecallekim
i love this! great idea!
edovan edovan
geeren geeren
Claf té un malade
Wiz Wiz
"That is sooooo good Claf, love that M'Goo face!"
isawred2 isawred2
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
Looks like a few of the older gents I've met in life.
max&roro max&roro
mikey mikey
Gotta fav this! :)
greeneyes greeneyes
the best
WhimSea WhimSea
oh wow! that is funny & creepy all at the same time... bet this guy wins hand shadows all the time!!! bwahahahahaha Excellent Claude!
Meeshoo Klan Meeshoo Klan
Heinlein Heinlein
Pure Professionalism!
Dead Man Dead Man
Wow... Nice
pirs65 pirs65
Janfet Janfet
Tesore Tesore
caprix3 caprix3
Lrossa Lrossa
nancers nancers
Goat1981 Goat1981
Fantastic as always. :-D
screwloose screwloose
Wow! One of your best yet! ( FAV'd! )
Micose Micose
ece ece


Claf Claf
Haha janet! I'll probably come back with some other upside down chops soon! :)
Claf Claf
That is THE point seelcraft! I tried to keep the image as close as possible to the original. I had a lot of fun on this one! Thanks! :)
Granulated Granulated
frsh from his 18 year stint in the Catskills !
Requiao Requiao
super cool!!
marcoballistic marcoballistic
fo shizzle ma nizzle Claude bizzle, this is da fizzle :oP
screwloose screwloose
Only 12 favorites allowed for Non Advantage Members??? ha! Oh well... I tried Claf
candron candron
congrats with this Mr Bong, awsome work,
Heinlein Heinlein
Congrats Claf! Faved!
Sjitske Sjitske
GRTZ & fav'd
gsenthil gsenthil
Congrats! Claf
max&roro max&roro
Congrats! Claf
annajon annajon
Fabulous Claf, good to see you score big with this. Congratulations
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
Congratulations! Funny image.
mike.b. mike.b.
yea man ....awesome...congrats on tha victory!!!!
Dead Man Dead Man
Felicitation Claude... J'aimerais avoir ton talent... ;)
elektroidea elektroidea
Tesore Tesore
Great Great Great: Congrats Claf!!! :-)
the burning couch the burning couch
Ooooh Yeeeeeaaaaah*!*
anabe anabe
congratulations on a super win!
lancoma lancoma
you are amazing :D
Martrex Martrex
Granulated Granulated
faved !!!!!!!!!!
vunt van pumununt vunt van pumununt
friggin perfect claf! sorry i missed this one. favd
vunt van pumununt vunt van pumununt
the details!!!
bigbuck bigbuck
Congrats on a sweet image Claude. How many times favourited?
Claf Claf
Thanks everybody for your comments & votes (already over 8000!!). Also thanks a lot for all the "faved"! :)
Claf Claf
bigbuck, 9 times! I appreciate! Still far from my top... one is 41 times, another one at 34... I think it's a glitch .. hahaha! :)
grats on the win claf... i was too busy hanging w/ rein dude i didn't get a chance to vote but its a really cool funny image ;)
mellowdesign mellowdesign
Congrats! V clever!
angelina angelina
coool and funny!!!

Bang zoom

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by Claf
Created July 03, 2008
80 votes   30 comments
1280w x 960h (289KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  1
execution  21
humor  6
idea  2
theme  0

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