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Old legos
Old legos
No outside source

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jad3 jad3
good one
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
No outsides? Holy crap!
mupshur mupshur
Now that is alot of work! good job
Alex Alex
This is insane... Very well done. Realistic. Keep it up...
kooi kooi
no outside source VOTE!
Michel Michel
The Official game of my childhood.
mikey mikey
Very good work! ~ and idea ~
TheShaman TheShaman
o geez, how can anyone compete with this! are you serious?!?! ;)
Lord David Lord David
Now this is really GOOD
fedrodrig fedrodrig
i love legos! nice.
Vlad Vlad
Netwel Netwel
bashar bashar
great job
sotiris sotiris
very good
Kansas Kansas
This is amazing. Can you post your file like that time Bill TV did with his buttonsPSD file. I can not for the life of me figure out how you did this with only chalk and no outside source. I will await with great anticipation...A lesson from the master!
Patre Patre
Magnificent photoshopping skills to create the lego pieces from only the chalk. I am also wondering if you used a reference source for the legos and/or created a lego pattern which you applied to the chalk sticks.
Heinlein Heinlein
I agree with Kansas. This is way to good for only source.
Micose Micose
serious work
MindGraph MindGraph
I too am amazed. Awesome work serious! I'm with Kansas and Patre. Not doubting but amazed and would love to see what you did. =)
seamusoisin seamusoisin
hungry hungry
anfa anfa
Great idea. I love Lego! :)
Caldera Caldera
kazzius kazzius
deshone deshone
i love the smileyheads !! keep up the good work !!
mason4300 mason4300
the "pegs" on the green one seem a little crooked, but the rest makes up for that small flaw. Awesome work!
FootFungas FootFungas
supak0ma supak0ma
serious choppin' here
Eve Eve
Very original, impressive work!
arcaico arcaico
buglover buglover
You are a very, very ill person. You should lay down and cure it!
risada_dg risada_dg
Goat1981 Goat1981
Not only am I a sucker for all source images, but this one is exceptional!! Lots of work, and a very great result. Excellent imagination too. :-) Congrats!
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
Tijn Tijn
claudiolky claudiolky
Simply incredible!!!! Fantastic!!!! Spectacular!!!!! Awesome!!!!...
txpinky txpinky
very creative
leif leif
real good... yup
mrwolf707 mrwolf707
Awesome use of source.
delucx delucx
excellent work serious! :)
rashdog rashdog
ummm..ditto vote comments 1-41 + rockin!
batichan batichan
grande mop!!! ke bueno darse la vuelta por aca y verlo ganando!!! siga pateando culos norteños!!!! hasta la puta victoria siempre
CarlC CarlC
presunto presunto
nyxxie nyxxie
Persuader Persuader
AWESOME!!!!!! looks so much great! congratulations - u are the winner! =)
j-elzic j-elzic
dbbowling dbbowling
love the legos :D
Serps Serps
Love it
bigbuck bigbuck
Brilliantly well done!
sage sage
jaja! batichan! puta, si esta bien hecho esta carajada! way to go serious!
Josh62088 Josh62088
listen2WEEN listen2WEEN
this is spectacular!
marcoballistic marcoballistic
all I can say to this serious is.. HOLY MUTHA OF GOD ON A COWS BACK WHILE DOING BACK FLIP WITH A SQUIRREL WEARING A VEST THAT SAYS 'BLODDY HELL'... this is fantastically good bud, just amazing in everyway, oh yeah
Meeshoo Klan Meeshoo Klan
tsitra tsitra
insanely great, would also love to see the file, learned a lot from bill tv's buttons, always interesting to see how differently people work.
blue_lurker blue_lurker
all I can say to this serious is.. HOLY MUTHA OF GOD ON A COWS BACK WHILE DOING BACK FLIP WITH A SQUIRREL WEARING A VEST THAT SAYS 'BLODDY HELL'... this is fantastically good bud, just amazing in everyway, oh yeah..but in an aussie accent...Sweet chop
JJGlendenning JJGlendenning
Here is my Vote!!!
yello_piggy yello_piggy
phantastic chop!
screwloose screwloose
billtvshow billtvshow
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
*throws one more vote on the pile*
Claf Claf
Great! :)
olive olive
*=J=* *=J=*
Queen La Tiff Queen La Tiff
me=astonished you=crazy genius
AlmostPerfect AlmostPerfect
Wett Wett
Eepi Eepi
ScionShade ScionShade
IMHO way under-voted.
cafn8d cafn8d
WOW... Except for having seen the source, I wouldn't have questioned for a moment that I was looking at legos here!
KayKay KayKay
nancers nancers
mere_artist mere_artist


Kansas Kansas
Heinlein.. I didn't say it was too good for source only... I just wanted to see how this is accomplished. I'm always up for learning something new from the photoshop genius's here at PSC.
serious serious
I actually don't know how to post a file but if you PM me I could send you the file.
Kansas Kansas
There is like 50 billion layers. the work is incredible. Brilliant.Light years ahead of my's like visiting in the enlightened one when you look at this file. Apllause, Applause, Applause. Standing ovation..Thanks so much for sharing your file
serious serious
kansas: thanks a lot, man!
Trann Trann
Impressive! And Lego is cool. 8)
Goat1981 Goat1981
How long did this take you to do, just out of curiosity? Looks like a *lot* of effort!
serious serious
On and off, about 4-5 hours. Most of the work is in the details.
Great job.......that is absolutely amazing.
JJGlendenning JJGlendenning
This is one of the best entries I have seen here in a long time.
Kansas Kansas
49 votes the first 11 hours posted.....wowzers
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
I'll host the .psd on my webserver at work if needed.
JJGlendenning JJGlendenning
I would like to see the .psd just see the layers.
Michel Michel
Me too
rockprinzess rockprinzess
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
Serious gave me permission to post the file. The .psd is located at but I can't guarantee that it'll stay there indefinitely. It weighs in at ~4.5MB.
Michel Michel
I have seen the PSD, that's quite some work!
Krank Krank
That .psd reveals some pretty damn good illustration skills. Thanks for sharing.
shinobi shinobi
Wow. wish i could vote.. *gives vote anyway*
Granulated Granulated
you're a freakin' potato chip genius (and a top artist of course)

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 Old legos
by serious
Created January 15, 2006
75 votes   19 comments
550w x 393h (125KB)

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