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Tortured Mind
Tortured Mind
Updated again... :)

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seamusoisin seamusoisin
ece ece
jazgraphic jazgraphic
A Great work here, Claf!
nifft nifft
Crowned Crowned
Mir Mir
love this claf
Will_E_Makit Will_E_Makit
dfwsusan dfwsusan
Less than Zero Less than Zero
Goat1981 Goat1981
Woah. Exceptional!
Eve Eve
Excellent, surreal piece!
mikey mikey
Great job on the texturing! ~ interesting surreal image.
dabdi56 dabdi56
Serps Serps
Good work
Wiz Wiz
"Hope you asked Dabi if you could use one of his pigeons!" LOL!
Dot Dot
tadams tadams
Very interesting. Cool background and nice lighting.
monkeytwig monkeytwig
Evelyn Evelyn
centurius centurius
nevet nevet
very interesting
claudiolky claudiolky
fantastic result and image
candyart candyart
very good!
TheShaman TheShaman
Micose Micose
vokaris vokaris
karell karell
other fav'
Tesore Tesore
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
bigbuck bigbuck
Luxwiz Luxwiz
great work
Heinlein Heinlein
Scrumpy Scrumpy
Looks like somethin' dabdi's brain would come up with- that's a compliment Claf.
buglover buglover
Govan Govan
Very nice ;-)
mrchili mrchili
yello_piggy yello_piggy
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
At first I thought Dabdi or meaty did this. Doesn't really matter as I likes it.
anabrin anabrin
Carcarlo Carcarlo
bsoholic bsoholic
j58roldan j58roldan
point_n_click point_n_click
rashdog rashdog
billtvshow billtvshow
the burning couch the burning couch
Really good*!*
Azionite Azionite
nice one, claf!
badcop badcop
Michel Michel
podgorski podgorski
Netwel Netwel
Grefix Grefix
Kansas Kansas
gotta hand it to you!


marcoballistic marcoballistic
I like what you've done with the Stephen Chen alien dude, but I have a problem with the background, especially the scratches, they are too angular and precise Claf me old boy, hmmmm
Claf Claf
Yes! I think you're right marco. I played with it... already better... maybe I'll come back on it later if I can find something better. :)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
maybe use tecture sections from the actual source Claf, then you would get a more gritty and organic look, just an idea :oD
Claf Claf
Mmm... not crazy about using the same texture for the background... I anyway added something... work in progress. Thank! :)
Granulated Granulated
shit..out of votes already and this deserved one..sorry dude :C
Claf Claf
No problem Gran! :)
badcop badcop
what's the "stephen chen alien dude"?
Claf Claf
badcop, one of my sources is a magnificent Stephen Chen's 3D illustration: [img]

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 Tortured Mind
by Claf
Created February 11, 2007
54 votes   8 comments
1113w x 960h (420KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  1
execution  12
humor  0
idea  0
theme  2

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